Sunday, November 19, 2006

17th Anniversary

Thursday was my wifes and my anniversary. It's hard to believe we have been together for 17 years as husband and wife, yet it is so. She thought it has already been an eternity (at least it seems that way). Seriously, she thought it was the 18th anniversary, but when you count, it does come out to 17. I'm just glad that she has stuck it out with me for all these years.

I went to work as usual on Thursday. My wife had a bunch of people that she was doing their hair as well. Soon after I arrived home, my son and I had to go over to a guy in our Pony Express District (for the BSA) to get his Eagle Project signed. The guy liked it, but told us that we had the wrong signature in one of the spots. We were told that we really should have the signature before he signed it, but if my son promised to get to him as soon as possible, that he would go ahead and sign it. He also wanted to have the title of the guy written down.

We called up Brother Cheney and he told us to come on out. We went out and he was talking to another Scout on the whole process for his Eagle Project. He signed it, and when I told him we needed a title, he looked at us funny. He just said that he is a volunteer. That's what I had told the District guy but he wanted a title there. I told him to write down that he was the Eagle Project Manager (which is what he wrote). He thinks our district is making things too difficult (I have to agree to a point). If only he knew the rest of what my son had gone through. He also was aware that our ward had put a nix on at least one more boy who wants to do the same project, and they weren't too pleased with that.

Anyway, good times were ahead for my wife and I. I got up with the kids and got them off to school. My wife and I started to get ready to leave for Midway. We finally got out of the Salt Lake Valley at around 1:00 PM. We had to get our dog and bird over to her mothers house so that we were all set. We got off the freeway at the Park City exit. We looked at a couple of places and in an outdoor mall chose to eat at the Red Rock Brewing company. After that, we headed into Midway and the Johnson Mill Bed and Breakfast. We got into our room and it was kind of a small room. The bed practically filled the room. My wife said that if it wasn't for the ceiling being about 20 feet up, she would feel claustrophobic. It also had a ladder going up to what I would call a reading room. It had a chair, an ottoman, and a twin bed built in. Anyway, we liked this room. We met one lady who was there with some angel network group. Something about meeting with 7 different people. I never did quite get the gist of this. The lady was from England with that English accent. When my wife went to talk back to her, about a book, she said the word in a way that it rhymes with Luke. I teased her about that for a lot of the time that we were away. The lady thought it was cute that she would pronounce the word in the same way that she did. We did go down to Heber City to hit a taco time to get me something to eat.

We woke up in time for breakfast on Saturday morning. We had asked that they bring up the breakfast, but it was a long time in coming, so I went down and talked to them, and give a nudge. They finally came up with our breakfast. It was wonderful. There was some stuffed french toast, bacon and fruit. We thoroughly enjoyed that. We talked to the lady who had prepared it and asked about how they make it. One of the ingredients of course, is sugar. The Mexican lady pronounced it Sue gar. My wife asked what Sue gar was, and gave me another word to tease her about. I'm lucky she didn't divorce me on the spot!

We headed back to the Park City Exit where some outlet stores are (I don't know the name of the town there). We ended up purchasing quite a bit of stuff and filling our car up with it. Things such as Levis, shoes, purse, and knick knacks for Christmas things. We probably over spent, but it was fun for us to do. We ate lunch at a little Mexican restaurant. That was quite enjoyable as well. After a full day out, we went back to the bed and breakfast. We just kind of hung out there for the rest of the evening, enjoying the scenery that was all about us. We saw a couple of swans as well as some deer. It was nice with the waterfall underneath our room where you could hear that water running (don't drink too much if you want to stay in this room).

This morning, once again, we woke up in time for breakfast. This time we decided to go down to breakfast and possibly socialize with the others who stayed the night. One of the tables was full of young people who weren't doing any talking. Each of those was either looking at each other, or in one case avoiding each other, and silent. That felt uncomfortable to us. We sat in the other room where we were the only ones there. Another couple came and sat down with us. We talked with them for a bit rather than have the non-comfortable silence that was going on at the other table. It was just small talk, but it was talk. We had to be out by 11:00, so we went and looked at some of the rooms that we hadn't seen, and felt that we had the nicest room (out of the ones we looked at). I have since looked at the honeymoon suite, and it also sounds nice (although I'm not sure it has a view of the mountains).

We headed home. We decided that we had better stop into my in laws house to pick up the animals. That ended up being a mistake because my mother-in-law ended up unloading some things on my wife about our nephew who is now getting a divorce. My wife didn't want to come back to reality so fast, and this was upsetting to her. We did leave and came home. A little later in the day, we called out to Pams house to see when we should pick up or kids. They told us to come over for a potato bar at 5:30. We did this. We picked up the kids and then came back home.

On the way home, the kids were telling us about something that they had gone too with Pam and Anne. They told us that the people kept on doing some chanting, and dancing and singing. It was a repeat after me type of thing. They also told us that they kept on referring to goddesses (even for the males). We called Anne up and asked about this, and it was a Hindu type of ceremony that the kids had gone too on Friday evening. I kind of wish I could've seen it too.

My wife got a little more upset when she was talking to Anne about Brandons and Ashleys divorce. All Anne said, was that there is two sides to the story. To my wife and I, it seems that Ashley would be a little bit more at fault for reasons I won't go into here, but Anne will take Ashleys side of the situation. They get along really well. Anyway, reality hit too hard for my wife, and she needed some space. I tried hard to give it to her for the rest of the evening.


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