Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Eagle Project

I was quite busy at work trying to correct the problem from yesterday. I finally found a way to do it, and had to break up some data into ten segments and run each segment separately for that particular job. Then, I had to have it all back together again to run the rest of the jobs against it (since they had worked previously). It was kind of a pain, but I was able to get it done. The computer must've heard me tell Paul that I needed to leave at 2:00 because the processes finally finished at 1:58, giving me all of two minutes to make sure the stuff that runs tonight will be running from the right data source.

When I arrived home, I found my wife busy in the kitchen making soups and stews for the dinner of those who come to help us tonight. She had gotten the house kind of hot enough that she opened the back door to cool it off (it had to have been really hot for her to do that). Soon after I arrived home, my kids came home from school. I called and got some pizzas ordered. I had asked Dominoes if they would give me a discount on the pizzas for an Eagle project and was told I could have the same deal they give the schools, which was $6 for each large one topping pizza. I ordered 1 pepperoni, 1 cheese, 1 sausage, and 2 ham pizzas. The deal was pretty good I thought.

We loaded the SUV with all the soups and such and headed out to the Happy Factory. I helped to unload, and then went to pick up the Pizzas. My wifes parents and sister showed up before I got back, and my parents came soon after. We got them painting some cars as well as put on the router. Later, some did the sawing and the drilling. More people showed up. There was my sons best friends family (without his best friend because he had gotten sick), two of my brothers with their wives (one also had his kids with him), and Jon (my oldest brothers son). Later, one of the teachers quorum came (with two adult leaders), and even later, another teacher (Austin) showed up with him parents and two sisters. One parent came in place of his son since his son had a swim meet. Overall, we had a pretty good turn out. Some that thought they could make it for one reason or another did not make it. One of the teachers had given us a call around 6:00 trying to find out what time to meet the teachers quorum (we had left at 3:30, and the teachers quorum left at 5:30). Nobody chopped off any fingers, and we felt pretty good about that.

I tried to work the sander, but wasn't very good at it, so I ended up working with the jigsaw instead. My wife mostly did one of the drills. One thing that was kind of nice was that we didn't have to clean up thoroughly because another group was coming in at 9:00 tonight.

I'm glad to have the Eagle Project over and signed. It's a good thing. Oh, I may put pictures here later of some of the goings on. It depends how they come out.


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