Tuesday, December 12, 2006


A little bit of time has gone on since I last posted. It hasn't been the best of weeks for me, but then, it hasn't been the worst of weeks for me either. Doesn't this sound a bit like, It was the best of times it was the worst of times? Anyway, I'll go back and try to remember some of the things that have gone on.

Work has been a bit slow because the one guy we need to do some of the stuff that needs to be done is gone on vacation for this entire month. He is actually just staying home, but we still need to get things from him.

Thursday the 7th was my dads 80th birthday. My wife was surprised that there wasn't a big to-do about that. It wasn't that surprising to me because my dad doesn't like a lot of pomp and circumstance. I had ordered some balloons for my dad at Harmons. When I went to pick them up, they had forgotten and I waited in a corner while they filled them up. When I went to pay for them they told me not to worry about it because they didn't have them ready when they were promised to me. That was OK with me. Saved a couple of bucks.

We went over to my parents house, and were the first ones there. My oldest brother had come earlier because he had other things going on. We talked with them for a bit and my dad told my son (again) that when he was his age (15) the Japanese had invaded Pearl Harbor. Well, finally some of my other siblings started to show up. There was the usual mayhem that goes on when my family gets together, but people pretty much had a good time.

One of the frustrations that I had was that our washing machine wasn't going to be ready. When we went to RC Willey to purchase it, we were promised Thursday for sure and maybe even Wednesday. That obviously didn't happen. We have been a bit concerned that our current washing machine would just go ahead and give out before it got here. So far that hasn't happened. I also talked to RC Willey and because Sears had the same washing machine at the same price, but free delivery (after rebate) that it would've been cheaper to go there. RC Willey lowered the price (after some messing around with figures) to match that price while still keeping me on the Advantage plan (allows for free delivery for a year plus 2% rebate on all your purchases). The salesman didn't seem too happy about doing this though.

I didn't work on Friday, so I went with my wife to my parents house so she could cut my moms hair. I had seen an ad in the Friday paper about the same washing machine. I could get 10% off the price if I go in on Saturday between 7 AM and noon. This was a better deal. I called RC Willey, and the salesman got kind of huffy with me. He said they don't meet door busters, and I told him it wasn't a door buster because I had called Sears and even if they were out of it, I could get it at the sales price if I came in during those hours. They could also have it delivered the next day. That beat it coming in on Tuesday. Well, the salesman finally told me to just go to Sears. I got concerned about a truck that we bought on a promotion they were having and called back about that. He then told me that when he got into work he would see what the manager could do. I called him about two hours after he got into work and he didn't have an answer. He finally called back and said that he would leave the price of the washing machine the same, but they would give me a $50 store credit for something else. I agreed to this. I was also told that the washing machine would be ready on Tuesday once again. His words were that it had been scheduled. I had asked about this quite a few times because the earlier promise had been breached.

Saturday came along, and not too much happened. My son had a meeting with the Teachers quorum presidency (he is the president) for the upcoming year. My wife also had a meeting with the Young Women about the same thing. My daughter and I went to the library, and ran a couple of errands. I also set out the snowman on the front porch and some other Christmas decorations. They weren't much, but it's about all I am planning on doing this year.

Nothing much happened Sunday. We had a farewell (though you're not supposed to call it that), and it was a pretty good meeting. The classes were so-so. Nothing great. The deacons quorum did get an assignment for Thursday evening to go over to one of the buildings in the stake with rakes and picks to help prepare it for people to meet there on Saturday for the Daybreak Temple ground breaking ceremony. It's a good thing my son wasn't planning on the Deacons quorum to help him out with his eagle project.

Monday, while I was at work (almost ready to go home) I got a call from my wife. She had received a phone call from the Happy Factory verifying that we were canceling the date for my sons Eagle project. This was the first we were made aware of this. We told them that there was some mistake. We made a couple of phone calls and can't figure out how it would be our Eagle project that was being cancelled. Anyway, just another of those frustrations. I also tried to call Target because they promised me the top to a tree that we had bought with the Christmas lights all working since there was a problem with the wires of the tree we bought. Nobody ever came to that phone when I tried to call them all night.

Just before lunch today, I got a call from my wife. She was making sure to stay home all day so our washing machine could be delivered. She finally wondered if they could give her an approximate time so she called up RC Willey. She was told that it was scheduled for tomorrow. I am sick of this crap. She calls me up and then realized that it would have to be early in the day because we have things to do. I called up RC Willey service (since I only got an answering machine on the salesman) and while I was on the phone with them, the salesman called. By the way, for the service to come through it was a full 15 minutes waiting for the next available representative. I hung up on her (accidentally by not understanding the hold function on my phone) but was on hold while she was talking to delivery (this was another 4 minutes into the phone call). Anyway, the salesman told me that he would set it up to be after 3:00 today. I asked him about his promise for Tuesday, and he verified that promise but told me he had scheduled it for Wednesday because he was sure it would be ready by then. I don't know why he had told me a number of times that it was all set for Tuesday because it seems like this was a big lie. Because of that, I called the delivery people to verify that it would be on the truck for tonight. Hopefully, this is the last frustration with them. I am going to complain to RC Willey after this is all over. I don't want to right now because I am not sure what would happen. I really don't think anything, but, you never know.

Anyway, I am a bit frustrated, but will do OK. I am just plain angry at this pain in the butt salesman, almost to the point of being livid. I don't even want to talk to him at this point because I think my anger would take hold of me even more.


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