Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas Concert

Well, we did get our washing machine on Tuesday evening. The old one is gone and the new one is ready for use. It is quite a bit quieter than the old one. I hope it is as good as our old one was. We got a lot of service out of that.

I know in my heart that today was Friday the 13th rather than Wednesday the 13th. I had some problems at work with one of my jobs and no matter what I did, I wasn't able to get it fixed. I worked on it all day and asked questions of various people all day. We can't find a reason that it won't work. At one point it was telling me I had a problem that I couldn't see how. After talking to a few people, Darin said, "you mean you were using those flat files?" We had to get them restored and then I had to start all over again. I did not get it fixed by the time I left. Hopefully, I'll have time and the ability to fix it tomorrow since I still don't have any idea what the problem is.

Soon after arriving home, I had to get my son and daughter over to piano lessons. We had decided to have them go to only half of it (so it was 1/2 hour rather than a full hour). They readily agreed. We probably shouldn't have done that, and had we known what time the concert started vs. what time they told us it started, they would've been there for the full hour. We were kind of upset at them because we had the wrong time by 1/2 hour and had told Pam and my wifes parents that wrong time.

The concert was good. They started out with the Beginning band (which my daughter is in and plays the flute) and then went to the Concert Band, and finally the Symphonic band (which my son is in playing that French Horn). They ended with the percussion playing heavily with the symphonic band. It really sounded quite good. We were proud of our children and their accomplishments in learning these musical talents.


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