Monday, January 15, 2007

It's been awhile

Well, it's been awhile since I last put something in here. I need to be better at keeping this thing going.

I have been really busy at work trying to get the new test environment things done. There have been a few differences that I have had to account for, and there are still things that I need to change to keep moving forward. Issues have cropped up that we have tried to get the company that owns the software to fix (or at least give us a viable solution).

A few things have happened that I guess I should put here. A week ago, Sunday, we went over to my wife's Aunt Gladys house. She had everybody over to tell us about Cosy getting engaged. Cosy is from Italy and has been in Utah going to LDS Business College. She has met a guy from Brazil, and they will be getting married sometime in the summer. It sounds like it will be in July. I may have to skip Scout Camp to be with my wife at the time they get married.

For Young Men/Young Women (last Wednesday) we went to the Happy Factory (again). I worked on a router all night in the creation of those cars. Most people had a good time. My car was filled up with a bunch of the Young Women. On the way home I was able to get my son to come with us so I could take them all home rather than being alone with any one of them. My son told me that one of our Young Men (Brandon) was causing problems and doing all that he could to be a problem. I really don't know what to do about that guy. He has been a problem child from the get-go, and will soon be out of our hands to be a problem to the next group. Part of the problem is that we can't get his parents to see that he is a problem.

My son started to take care of a dog last Friday. His last day was today. With it being so cold outside for the last few nights, we decided that we had to bring that Lab into our home. We felt bad about tying it up in the basement, but we really don't have a place for an outside dog in our home. The first night we brought it into our home, our dog sniffed around and went downstairs by the door and marked her territory there. It upset us, but what can you do when an animal is just following its instincts. We brought Jett into our home tonight as well, but the Mordens did come home about 10:00 PM and we were able to take their dog to them tonight.

Speaking of the weather, we have been getting into the negative numbers on the Fahrenheit scale. It has just been bitter cold outside, and there is snow on the ground. We have been setting records as to the cold in Utah.

One discouraging thing that has happened (or hasn't) is that I have not talked to my daughter in Florida for a couple of weeks. I have always talked with her on Sunday. Well, a week ago, I didn't call her at all. I was hoping that she would call me. Yesterday, I decided that I had better call and talk to her. I got her voice mail, but she never called me back (she almost always calls back when I leave her a voice mail). It would be nice to know what is going on in her life.

In the meantime, I got to help my wife with some of her young woman secretary duties. She needed to come up with a list of girls and when they are to meet the bishopric as well as the Young Women leaders. The list they used the previous year was completely messed up, so I changed it from Word to Excel, and then made all kinds of corrections as well as adding girls that needed to be added, and taking out those who needed to be taken out. That was a relief to get done. I knew it would take awhile to fix it, and I was right.

Work gave me a computer that it no longer needs, so after it had sat there for awhile (about a week) I finally got to it tonight. My wife was gone, and my son was home. We grabbed a few files off the old computer that I needed, and then we took apart the old PC so we could get the DVD RW drive out of it and place it into the one my work gave me. That didn't take too long, but then, I had to get the new machine set up the way I want it. There are still a couple of things I want to get added to it, but it is mostly there. That was a heck of a way to spend the evening. We also loaded on Flight Simulator X (a sample of) for my son to play with. He likes it, so we may have to go out and get it.

Well, I can't think of anything more to write. It's probably good when I don't come in here for more than a week to post. Not as much of the little stuff.


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