Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Nothing Much

I actually got the new tool set up on my computer at work today so I can start to work on my jobs and make sure they will all work under the new data structures. I do have to change the front part of names on all the tables, so I have to look at each job and each set of meta data to do that. So far, I am not finding a lot. I did find that everything I need is not on the new system, so I had them fix that as best they could. I will continue working on this tomorrow. The tool crashed on my once today, and that isn't a good omen.

After arriving home, I got the kids over to their piano lessons. When I got home my wife asked me if I thought they were ready for their recital later this month. We feel they both need a bit more work to be as ready as they have been in the past. When I picked them up, they told me that the recital has been pushed to April. We need to pick one of two days for their recital. This is probably good to get them the practice that they need.

We picked up dinner on the way home, and barely got it eaten up when we had to get over to Young Men/Young Women. We did Duty to God stuff tonight with the Deacons. We went over the Joseph Smith story. The boys were quite unruly and it was hard to keep them under control. We got through it all. Nothing else is really going on. I just thought I would try to keep the writing up a bit.


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