Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

Just like most things in my life, this is a bit late. Oh well, we do what we can and move forward. Always forward.

As I do at times, I am going to have to go back and try to think of the happenings of the week. I'm getting older, so there probably won't be too much that is written here.

Last Wednesday there was a combined activity with the Young Men and Young Women. They decided to have a kind of New Years party. There were a bunch of games (that most did not play) and then there were some games that were played. Two of the favorites were Dance Dance Revolution (a PlayStation 2 game) and dodgeball. I played a little dodgeball. My arm didn't end up hurting too much while I was playing it this time, and that is good. It was a fun evening, and I am glad that we can have the youth come to something like this. It is good for them. We ended the evening playing a game called "Do you Love Your Neighbor"? which is a type of musical chairs game.

I really can't think of anything to say about Thursday and Friday. I simply went to work, and came home. Saturday is the next day of anything eventful.

I did have to wake up early (not too early) Saturday morning to see if some things had come through for us or not at work from Gallagher Bassett. It had all made it, so I went ahead and ran all of that into my databases so we had some end of year stuff for finance to work with. This took up some of the morning. Our kids were not home from Friday evening, as they had stayed with Pam and Anne. We were able to watch a DVD (I can't even remember which one) and just spend time together as husband and wife. I helped Dee Anne take care of some things for her Young Women calling, and we had a good time being together. I felt that we connected pretty well, and this was needed as we haven't been doing that good at connecting lately.

We got ready in the early evening for a party with my brothers and sister, as well as my parents. This was done over at Scotts house. His wife had been busy putting together a nice ham dinner. It was tasty, and the company was good. There was laughing and joking going around the table and just good times. We then played a game of scrabble. It was a game where you take your own letters and make words on your own (rather than with everybody) and you can modify it all you want. It was a bit different from regular scrabble, and some of the words people were coming up with was interesting. We also played Apples to Apples (or something like that).

It was getting late, so we left. We went to Pam and Annes to pick up our kids. They are never happy for us to come and get them, but it's just the way life goes. We talked with them for a little bit and then headed on home. It was late, so we got right to bed.

Sunday came with the usual Sunday activities. We went to church, came home and kind of vegged. However, this Sunday the church was having a fireside for New Years Eve. My kids and I went to this at 6:00 in the evening. The first 40 minutes of this fireside was music. It was quite good. There were three speakers including President Hinckley. The theme seemed to be repentance and forgiveness as well as just keeping yourself out of trouble. I think it was a good meeting for us to have gone too.

Arriving home, we decided that we would play some family games and watch a DVD (National Treasure). We just spent the evening together. My wife was tired and went to bed a little early, but at 12:00 we went out and made a little bit of noise. My kids were embarrassed that they were related to me, but other than that it all went well. Some people were out with their fireworks in the neighborhood. It was kind of fun watching that.

New Years Day (Monday) came all to soon. We had to clean up some of the Christmas decorations. Before I did this, I left home to pick up my daughters MP3 player (Circuit City got them in) and then headed to the University of Utah 7-11 were Pam was working to pick up a report my daughter had started and left in her car. I got home around noon.

The Christmas tree got all packed up and all the decorations. I was glad to get all of that down and now our family room looks bare (except for the stray boxes that we still need to get downstairs).

Not too much happened today. I checked on all the jobs that had run over the long weekend, and saw that they all seemed to go well. Our end of year processes all seemed to go without a hitch as well. This is always good. I was told today that they are ready for me to start testing a new tool as we are going to some new servers at work. Hopefully, that will all go well.

Isn't my life just about as boring as one can get?


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