Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Family Christmas Party

I was able to slide into work this morning. There were a couple of meetings at work, and this is always a way to bore one to tears. Brad kind of threw a zinger at Theresa who did not take it too well. He mentioned that we would not take the 11 months that had been taken so far. She immediately came back at us saying that it was our fault that this had lasted 11 months (ignoring the fact that we did not even have a chance to get involved until June of this year, and then it was dependent upon Pinnacle). Oh well, I'll let the politics go with those who want to be politicians.

During my lunch time today I went and picked up a couple of lotions to put into my wifes sock. I also got her a nice pair of leather gloves (looking at her leather coat later, I realized I should've gotten brown ones instead of black). I still have to get a couple of odds and ends, but at least I have something for that stocking.

After arriving home, I went and got us some Subway Sandwiches for one of those quality dinners. We all then got ready for the Christmas party at my parents house. Of course there is the socializing before everything starts and then the nativity. After that we sang a few Christmas songs and Santa came during that (amazing how that works). Actually, I went outside and talked to Santa a little bit just before he left. I talked to him about his son, and let him know that I was thinking of Rick (Santa is Wayne Keys - a guy from my parents ward from years ago). I thought the girl he had with him was Ricks daughter (she was an elf), but was told that it is his daughter from his second wife. That kind of surprised me because she is quite young.

I went back in (it was too cold to stay out there) for the talent show. Both my son and my daughter did a wonderful job playing their numbers. My son played "Waterfall" by John Schmidt and my daughter played Canon in D. Of course most of the grandkids did their talents, and then it was pretty much time to go home. Each kid had a present from Santa that they could irritate their parents in the car on the way home with.


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