Monday, January 22, 2007

In Laws

Not a lot went on today at work. It was kind of boring, but I did talk about some of the up and coming changes with Paul. Hopefully, we'll get there sooner than later.

My wife called me at work and told me that nobody would be home, so I may as well just go over to my in-laws home because after the dentist appointment for my son, she would be doing her mothers hair. I stayed at work a little longer than was necessary and finally went on over to my in-laws house. My daughter had gone to the store with Grandpa, and Margaret came out to talk with me. There was some general chit-chat, and she told me about Brandon losing his job at Of course, it seems that when it rains it pours. I mean, the poor kid is going through a divorce and then this happens.

My daughter came home with Grandpa and told me that they had run into Grandma Rose. She said that there were so many old people at the store that when she yelled Grandma nobody turned around to look. She had to yell her first name. It seems they ran into Grandma Rose more than once, and one of the times quite literally. Around the dinner table tonight (we had pizza and funeral potatoes) we all kind of joked about Grandpa doing this.

After dinner, my kids just played for a bit, and my wife started to cut her moms hair. After awhile, I took the kids and headed home so they could finish up some homework as well as get their showers to be ready for school tomorrow. Dee Anne came home soon after that, and we pretty much relaxed the rest of the evening.


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