Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Time Keeps on Passing

I'm getting worse at writing here than before. Time seems to be getting away from me. I haven't been terribly busy at work, but there has been at least some things that I have been able to accomplish there. One nice thing that happened last week (Wednesday) was that we had an all employee meeting where we were told that we will all get a 5% bonus. We don't know when it will come, and there has been no further information on this, but that will be nice. We were reminded that the bonus is not an entitlement.

Work had a problem with what people felt they were entitled to this year. The president of the company, told us that he was a bit distressed when people felt that the vacation payout they were allowing was an entitlement. When they tried to put a stop to it this last Christmas, people complained. They allowed it this final year, but we need to realize that a lot of things they currently do are not entitlements, just nice things that they do.

As for the weekly mundane things? There hasn't been too much going on there. For Young Men, I went and they wrote a half page on what the sacrament means to them (part of the Duty to God requirements) and then played dodge ball. I stayed a bit late for that.

On Friday, I was able to send my daughter some money to help her out with her school books. Saturday, my wife got up to go to JC Penney's to get an outfit or two for a baby shower she had. She spent a few hours there and came home having spent about $180. As it turned out there was a 75% off sale. She got a lot of clothes for everybody. She told me that I probably should go there and see what I could get.

My son and I took off to RC Willey because I had a $50 gift card to spend there. I had decided upon a cordless phone that was about $60. When I went to pay for it, I found that I had mistakenly grabbed the RC Willey credit card rather than the gift card, so my son and I drove home to get the new card. This was one of the few weeks that RC Willey didn't have hot dogs and soft drinks. We grabbed a hamburger on the way home. Of course, we went back. I made the purchase (we had some more money in an old advantage plan that payed for the rest of the phone), and we then went to gamestop. My son had a couple of games that he wanted to purchase.

We did go to JC Penney's. I picked up a white shirt (at $20) and two other shirts at $5 each. I was told that white shirts won't go on clearance sales because there's no reason too. They sell quite well.

We finally got home, and my wife and daughter were there. My son went to play the new (used) games and one of them did not work. He didn't like it much anyway, and we went back to exchange it for another game.

Sunday came along, and we actually had two speakers that I enjoyed what they had to say. We thoroughly enjoyed their talks. They were full of information and gave it all in an interesting way. It was on how to build your testimonies.

Later on Sunday, I had to go out and get some salt to put in an area of our sidewalk that is just getting runoff coming out of the spout coming off the house. It goes under the sidewalk and out into the lawn, so there isn't a good release. Ice has built up in it to the point that when it melts, it comes out through the joints and refreezes on the walkway. I did get it cleared. I also had to do some more yesterday and today. I poured some salt down the spout and a little bit later had water coming out like crazy just to refreeze. I don't think I'll do that again.

Well, that's about it.


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