Monday, February 05, 2007

21st Birthdays and such

There isn't a lot I can think of to tell for what has transpired over the last few days. Not much going on at work, nor is there much going on at home that is out of the ordinary.

Friday, I had the day off. My wife and I didn't really do too much. We took a ride together and took care of some errands and had some lunch out in Herriman, but other than that, it was the same old stuff.

My wife has been feeling sick and has had troubles with her breathing. The air quality hasn't been too good, but it has gotten better during this time. She is still struggling with the breathing. She has been kept up some nights because of this and I have been all alone in that big king size bed. I don't like that much, but there isn't too much to do about it.

Saturday, I made sure the kids got their rooms all cleaned up, because we should be having a sheet rocker come to our place on Tuesday. Of course, they should be keeping their rooms clean anyway. I also made sure the den and family room were clean. All the laundry was finished and we felt pretty good about that. My daughter went out ice skating and my son stayed at home waiting for his friend to call. He didn't call, and we finally called over to him around 5:45 PM. We then took my son over to Craig's house so he could have a late night. He stayed there until 10:45 when he finally came home.

Sunday came, and my wife was too sick to make it to Young Women. I took the kids to church, went to priesthood meeting and then came home during Sunday School. I had to get the Ham into the oven and my wife had prepared a seven layer dip. This was all for the SuperBowl party. I went back to Sacrament meeting and then we hurried on home.

After a few minor preparations, we all got in the car and headed over to my in-laws home. Pam was there as well as Nathan, Brandon and Jeff. There were a few preparations there and then we had a huge dinner with Roast Beef, Turkey or Ham rolls, Chili, Chicken Wings, and all kinds of other things. Of course there was that seven layer dip. We had way too much food and simply snacked on it all during the game.

The game kicked off and I was surprised to see that on the Kick off the Bears ran the ball all the way for a touch down. I won't go into what was going on in the game as that isn't important. It was a fun game to watch and there were a lot of errors made. Some of that, I am sure, was because of the wet conditions they were playing in. The Colts won the game, and my wife was really getting into the game which was a surprise to me. She usually isn't into sports much at all. We finally went home and got into bed.

Well, today is my daughters 21st birthday. I really can't believe that she is 21 and even worse that I am old enough to have a 21 year old daughter. I called her after I got home from work today. She told me that she had sluffed school today and that she was going to be going to dinner at Splash with a few friends and just hang out. That's kind of scary on a 21st birthday, but that is what she will do.

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