Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Not too much happened yesterday. During my lunch hour I went around to a few different stores to pick up various candy to make my wife a candy gram for Valentines Day. I had to modify what I wrote somewhat to take the place of what I was going to do.

When I got home, I found that my wife was doing Tony's hair. My daughter was doing her never-ending homework. My wife asked me to go out and get some dinner at Jalepenos. When I got there, I found that they were closed for a family medical emergency. That's when we decided it was a "corn dog" night. Not that you would get any complaints from the kids.

I called the Post Office again to complain about the mail being delivered wrong again. I mean, this has made us know some neighbors a bit better, but this is really ridiculous. I told them that I would be taking their mail to them because the last time I followed their advice and put it in the mailbox, it stayed there for the next day with our new stuff put on top. I hope they take care of the problem soon. It's tiring. I will call and complain each and everytime until the problem is fixed.

My wife went into our room to watch some TV (remember we don't have a couch in the front room yet). My daughter needed help on her homework, so both me and my son were in there trying to help her. Between the two of us, we got done what needed to be done. My son did more of it than I did. While he was still helping her, I went out and grabbed the stuff for the candy gram and did it in my sons room. I heard my wife ask them where I was, and they told her that I was working on a problem. I was glad they covered for me.

Today, being Valentines Day, I put out the candy gram that I had done the previous night for my wife to see first thing. She called me at work a little later to thank me for that surprise. I also picked up some chocolate covered strawberries from V-Chocolates (they are yummy) and then a little later went and picked up a small in-expensive (not cheap) necklace.

My wife was a bit upset at me because we had talked about having a small Valentines Day. We either had different definitions of small or my wife didn't realize who inexpensive the necklace was. She was upset because she thought it made her look bad. That was never my intention, and I don't feel that way at all. I was a bit melancholy about what I had done though.

My daughter had a headache, so I headed to piano lessons with my son in tow. He told me that my daughter had said the headache was Mrs Gordon's fault because of the math homework (again). I became rather upset at that. I discussed this with my wife because the two hours worth of homework was over as of the 13th. This wasn't two hours worth, but shouldn't they give the kids a break? I resolved that I would call the principal tomorrow.

After picking up my son, and after we got my daughter up, we headed to Jack and Donna's 60th wedding anniversary. The kids were glad that we were going there because Young Men/Young Women was going to babysit some of the ward members children tonight so they could go on a romantic dinner. My wife and I were glad of this because we would've had to have been with the youth.

Anyway, we had a good time at the 60th anniversary but had to leave a bit early because of that homework. It took my daughter 40 minutes to do (who's counting?). By the time everything was over, we were tired. It's not that late, and we are heading off to bed.


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