Monday, February 12, 2007

Crazy People

Soon after I arrived at work I found that Sundays jobs had not run. After some searching we found that the scheduler had gone down. I had to get things up and running again. After I ran Sundays jobs it looked to me like it had done Mondays jobs all over again. Fortunately, it was my mistake. I was looking at the wrong log. It was a bit embarrassing though because I was talking to people at work about it.

Instead of going home, I went to Audrie's Design to take back the cushion that we had borrowed and to finalize the sale of a leather couch and love seat. They said they will deliver them tomorrow. Once home, I found that my daughter had a tension headache from all of this homework stress. It just makes me angry about this. We went out and grabbed some hamburgers for dinner, and then I tried to work on my computer to fix the printer problem. It is still a problem. I may have to redo my whole system. I don't want too because that wipes out all the information that is on it currently.

My wife also wanted me to move the couch in our living room tonight into the bedroom. It barely fit through the door after we took the legs off of it. I was sweating profusely after that. I also had to move the bed over a little bit to make room for the couch. It'll be that much more convenient when my wife says, "Go sleep on the couch" (just kidding).

I titled this crazy people because of something that went on tonight at Trolley Square (a mall in Salt Lake). It seems some guy in a trench coat took a shotgun there and started shooting up the place. He killed 5 people that we are aware of, and it sounds like a few others are hurt bad enough to go to the hospital. The police had to shoot and kill this gunman.

Some other stuff going on today was that my cousin (Steve) had an operation to remove a testicle because he has testicular cancer. It also has spread a bit so he will have to have some chemo later. While he was having this operation done, his brother (Don) was in another hospital to get his knee replaced. I'll bet my Aunt Donna is having a fit.

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