Thursday, February 08, 2007

My daughters bad day

A couple of things have gone on in this last little bit. Yesterday, while I was at work, I went to a meeting to find out that we are going to be changing the database stuff sooner than I would've thought. At first they were talking about changing it all next week. I pointed out that the day they were thinking of happened to be Valentines Day. They all decided that that may not be the best day to do it. So, instead, they decided we could do it tomorrow night (which was tonight). Of course I would have to be available for them to do this.

When I arrived home the first thing I was hearing was that my daughter had had a downright bad, good for nothing day. We couldn't find out for sure whether she had argued with her math teacher or not. What we did find out was that she has two hours of homework each night until February 13th. It started the day before when she missed that math class so she was already behind. To make matters worse, she had piano lessons and then Young Women. I shot off an email to her teacher kind of complaining. I am mad that there would be that much homework. I am against homework in the first place, but to have two hours in any class is just stupid.

After my daughter made it home from Young Women, she took a shower and then she and I sat down to do her homework. It's been a long time for me to remember what she was doing, and she did not know how to do it. My poor daughter was tired. After I worked on one problem with her for a half hour (and still didn't know what was going on), I looked at her and she had her head on the table. I sent her to bed. I had an answer for the y part of the equation, but thought it wasn't the right answer. I couldn't quite remember things so went to look on the internet to see if I could find a good example. I couldn't. I still wanted to figure it out. I decided to look again at what I had done and decided that maybe my answer for y was correct. I finished out the equation and then tested it and it worked. It looks like I was correct in the first place. But, dang, I hate story problems. It was 11:00 and I was tired.

For Young Men tonight, we had a Court of Honor. There really isn't too much to tell about it, but they did have my son stand up along with the other life scouts and told them they need to make sure they have the eagle packets and on the eagle project they need to get them turned in. That last part was to my son and Tanner Bean.

Today, I was still a bit miffed about the two hours of homework. I left a voice mail with the offending teacher. She never returned my call. She did send back to me an email saying that they knew about this two hours of homework since about three weeks ago (at least). Frankly, I don't care. I told her that I was concerned with it and she sent me back another email saying that there is help available after school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (from other teachers not her because heaven forbid, she has outside activities). Well, I also called the Vice Principal and left him a voice mail. He also has not returned my call. I don't know that it will do anything, but it will at least let them know that there is a parent who is against all of this.

Well, at work, I prepared for the changes that are to take place tonight and left. When I arrived home, my wife was making a favorite dinner for my daughter because of two bad days in a row. I love those spinach and chicken croissants. It is also one of my favorite dinners. My daughter did go to a tutor after school today and she actually understood her math assignment. She did get that homework finished for tonight. She still has to make up two days worth though.

My daughter had to go to a Young Woman meeting tonight to learn about camp for the stake. I was at home working on the computer (I did get the problem fixed that I was having a couple of days ago). There were a few problems that I ran into, but after they bounced the machine everything seemed to work. I'll know for sure starting tomorrow. My wife was out cutting hair for a part of this, and then had to go and give insurance information for our daughter to go on the camp.

My daughter finished her homework for tonight, and that was a good thing.

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