Sunday, February 11, 2007

More Stuff

While I was at work on Friday, I tried to contact my daughters vice principal again to complain about the homework that has been assigned. I have not been able to get any kind of help there. He has not returned my calls. This has been frustrating to me. I want to see if this is the acceptable norm or not. This homework thing is going to drive me nuts before it is all over.

My wife was also called from Perry Homes, I guess they won't be coming out to fix our problem till about the end of March. That is frustrating because we have all this blue tape on our walls waiting for them. I wish there was a different solution to this.

Saturday came along and we did a little bit of cleaning. It was pretty nice outside and my daughter wanted to go ice skating. We went over there (with her friend) and they skated for about 1/2 hour. Some cub scouts had been there and had messed up the ice by kicking huge divots in it. It makes me mad when a group of people destroy it for the rest.

We hurried on home and decided that we needed to go out. We called up Pam and decided that we would meet at my in-laws home and then go out to dinner. We ended up going to "The Golden Coral". It was pretty good food.

When we took everybody back to my in-laws house, my wife and I took off to go get our car washed and to go look at some furniture. We ended up in Audrie's Design where we found a leather couch and love seat for around $3,000. It is kind of country with nails (I don't know how to describe them) on the back of it. It's also a cream color because we have a lot of darker stuff in the house. Anyway, we are pretty much in love with the look of this.

Later in the evening, we drove home to pick up some clothes for our kids so they could stay with their Aunt, and then met them at a coffee shop. They took the kids, and we had time to ourselves. It was late, so we just kind of watched TV in each others arms.

Today came along and my wife was not feeling well. We went to church in the morning, but ended up coming home because of how she was feeling. We watched the movie "Invincible" today, and thoroughly enjoyed that movie. It is a great family movie.

We got a call from Anne asking us to come out for dinner when we come to pick up our kids. We found out that my daughter was getting her homework finished and everything. I was quite impressed. It seems she didn't even need to ask questions of how to do it because she knew pretty much what to do.

After a fabulous dinner, we headed home. On the way home, my son told us that he had had some wine when he went to church with Anne. They have a mingle after services and he thought it was apple juice. Evidently, so did Anne. Well, he didn't like it much. I was also surprised to hear that he didn't know (at 15) that wine is alcohol. He knew it was against the word of wisdom and just assumed it had high doses of caffeine. Anyway, the things that you learn about your kids, huh? We had a brief talk about it and I told him jokingly that we would have to talk with the bishop. I think he is nervous that I will say something in a joking way in front of the bishop sometime, and he really doesn't want me to do that. Of course, I wouldn't.

After I got home tonight, I came in to work on getting a scan of some stuff for my mom. My HP all in one didn't seem to take scans and said something about having to reload the software. In order to reload, you are forced to unload (it does it automatically) and so I uninstalled the printer, but was not able to get it installed back. That's maddening. I don't quite know what to do about that. It was giving me an error saying that I didn't have a good version of Windows Installer. I emailed HP, and will hopefully get the answer to that. Right now, my printer is not hooked up. I may have to get it hooked up to my other computer.


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