Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Principal

Today, I headed to work as usual. I told my wife that I didn't think it would snow, but it might rain just a little bit. As if to mock me, it started to snow about an hour after I got to work. I called her and told her that I told you it wouldn't snow. Of course, she wanted me to take the SUV for that reason. Ah well, that's just the way it is.

I called into my kids school and asked for the principal. I was given his voice mail, and I left a message. He, unlike that vice principal, called me back. I was grateful for that. I told him all about the homework that my daughter has been doing and complained about the two hours that was required for the whole week. He seemed to think that was too much homework, and said he would talk to Mrs. Gordon about it as well as talk to the Math Board and all the teachers to see how they are all handling this situation. I also told him about the vice principal not calling me back. I was grateful that he had. He seems like a pleasant enough guy, and I appreciate what he does. He also seems to know my daughter personally (on a good level), and I appreciated that. I sure hope they do something. Plus, my daughter doesn't deserve to get marked down for late work on things that really are out of her control. It seems she was marked down a bit on that. I thought the conversation went well, and I hope this guy stays at the school through my daughters two more years (he is an interim principal who retired before coming here). I had to call him a little bit later to let him know that I would not be into work tomorrow. I will be interested to see what they do.

We didn't do too much tonight. It was just a quiet night at home.


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