Sunday, March 11, 2007

The New Ward

Saturday, we decided to have a fun day. Pam had given us a call, and asked if the kids wanted to go to a movie. My wife and I decided that we were kids too. Besides, I had my coupon for $15.50 that needed to be used up at a Larry H. Miller theater. We went to a place that was close to our home and saw "A Night at the Museum". We enjoyed the show and it was a family friendly show for a change. We then headed to Applebees for some lunch. Anne met us there.

After arriving home, we had decided to watch "The Prestige" on DVD. That was a good movie as well although it was a dark movie. My wife and I decided that we liked "The Illusionist" better as it seemed to be less dark and had a happy ending. Anyway, we wasted away the day in watching movies.

Saturday night, I started to bring forward all of our clocks by one hour. This is the new daylights saving time that our government has decided upon. I don't understand why they want to change the time exactly, but they claim that energy savings will be the result. We gave our daughter some cough medicine and sent her to bed.

Sunday morning came early enough. We had to get ready to go to church. Everything was relatively normal for a Sunday. We had priesthood, Sunday School and Sacrament meeting. In the Deacons quorum we had decided to hold a testimony meeting since it was going to be the last Sunday that we would all be together in the same ward. That ended up being a pretty good meeting. My wife and I have been going to the class for marriage and family but decided that we wouldn't go to that class this week because the ward would be split and we were pretty certain we would not be in the ward that would continue that course. As it turns out, we were correct in that assumption. I forgot to mention. We gave the adviser of the deacons quorum a hard time because he lost his goatee and we accused him of being the next bishop. We weren't quite correct. He ended up being a counselor in the Highland 1st ward bishopric. He tried to throw us off by saying that he didn't have a suit coat on (although he picked it up before sacrament meeting.

Sacrament meeting finally came about. We had twelve deacons passing the sacrament so that it could get done a bit quicker. This all worked out well, but they were running out of water and were ready to bless some more. The whole building was full of people to the point it looked like we were having a stake conference. After the Sacrament we heard from one of the Mays kids. He is home from his mission, but couldn't speak long because he was told he had to be done by 1:30 so they could get down to the business of splitting the ward and calling new leaders.

They started out by showing on the Stake Presidents computer the new ward boundaries. We have been put out of the 1st Ward and put into the 9th Ward now. Everybody who is staying with the 1st ward keeps their callings and everybody in the new 9th ward loses whatever calling they have (with the exception of those who were called forward). Released were Bishop Christiansen, his first counselor, Chad Medeiros, and the second counselor David Russell. The first ward received the new bishop being Doug Mangum, the first counselor Don Shively, and the second counselor Tracy Madsen (he is the one we gave a hard time too).

My ward is the 9th ward. The bishop that has been called is Jack Sanford with the first counselor being Chad Medeiros, and the second counselor being Terry Bean. Also called were Executive secretaries, but I don't remember them at the moment. Everyone in my ward has lost their calling and we need to have the ward built up from ground zero. Next week is Stake Conference, so they have two weeks to try to get some callings taken care of. Then of course they have to be sustained to their jobs. So, it will be a bit before we actually have a functioning ward. As I looked at it, out of about 13 boys in the deacons quorum, we got two. The teachers quorum only has two also. We still have a big primary. I will particularly miss working with Lance Abplanalp. I have enjoyed my time getting to know him. He was in my previous ward, but I never really knew him there. He still has a grundle of deacons to work with. I wish him well with that.

It was mixed feelings coming home from Sacrament meeting. It is going to seem weird not having a calling.

Tonight when I went for a walk with the dog, I was asked by Vicki Clarke if I knew what was going on with the fire trucks and ambulances going through our neighborhood. I didn't. As I was finishing my walk, I ran into where two firetrucks were and one ambulance. I asked a couple of people what had happened and they told me that a house there on the corner thought they smelled smoke (another story is that they might've smelled gas). I'm going with the smoke theory because they seemed to be wondering about their wiring. Anyway, they didn't find anything wrong with the house including carbon monoxide. They were told to close their windows and see if smells persisted and to call if they did.

I talked with Jack er... Bishop Sanford about his new calling while I was on the walk. He is a little nervous about the first week for the primary. He can combine all the rest of the classes pretty easily, but doesn't know what to do with the primary for the first week that we meet. He told me to expect a call from one of the four that were called to positions and I told him it was a good thing we have caller id. He decided maybe they would have to walk the neighborhood and knock on doors.

Tonight, I got a call from my daughter in Florida. Aubree and I talked for a little while and she is thinking of a trip up to Salt Lake for this summer. It seems she is coming with a friend of hers (Ashley) and they are going to Nevada. Then she may rent a car to get to Salt Lake. She is wondering if I can get her home. I told her that I could. This caused a rift between my wife and I because I didn't consult with her. I thought that since we offered it at Christmas time (which didn't happen) that we could do that. My wife had a different idea. I don't feel that either of us is right or wrong on this one, but, it caused some contention. I hope my wife can forgive me because no contention was meant. It got a bit onto some other things like our own vacation times. I need to plan for some kind of vacation. I just don't know what to do for now. I'll have to find something that isn't too expensive for us to do.


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