Monday, February 26, 2007

Ward Conference

There really isn't all that much to tell for the final days of last week. There wasn't a lot going on at work, and there really isn't too much going on at home either.

I did get my son to call the people we are supposed to home teach on Saturday. One was home and the other was not. He at least set up the one appointment. I was working on the computer for a good portion of the day. There were just things that I couldn't get to work on it. This darn program called Windows Installer is all messed up and I really don't know what I can do about it. I may need to reload the whole XP system. That was pretty maddening.

Well, Sunday came along and it was our Ward Conference. Of course I was able to sit with my wife in the Young Men/Young Women meeting. That made it nice for me (who knows how she felt about it). The whole Ward Conference seemed to be themed around the Atonement. There were some great talks given in both the Young Men/Young Women setting as well as Sacrament meeting. This was a week that I was not bored with what was being talked about. I just wish there were more Sundays that I felt this way. It's probably an attitude problem coming from me. I mean, here I hear all these things at church and I get bored and then I read in an Ensign how Spencer W. Kimball says that he has never been bored in a Sacrament meeting yet. I guess I should really work on my spirituality.

Sunday School points out a couple of my other weaknesses. At least I have a couple of things to work on for the next little while. In the couples class the thing that came out that I need to work on is having Couples prayer every night. It is an oversight that really shouldn't happen, and I don't have a decent excuse for my failure in that area. A member in the Stake presidency brings it more to bear by saying that even though his wife is away, they have a prayer over the phone (this fits into what another has said who is not home with his wife except on the weekends). Sheesh, what kind of excuse can I come up with now.

My son got to stay after church for a presidency meeting with the Teachers quorum. As soon as he arrived home, we got him to eat something quick and then he and I headed out for our appointment in Home Teaching. I am grateful that he comes with me. He doesn't want to say anything, and I don't know how to get him to come out of that shell, but at least he comes with me. Our message (prepared before I knew the theme of the conference) was on the atonement. We finished with the one family (Lambournes) and then went to the other family (Peeblers). We hadn't contacted the Peebler family, but they let us in anyway. We had to go into the kitchen with them because they were stirring homemade caramels. I found out that she and her sister make these and dipped chocolates as a side business during the Christmas season and she has to make some for somebody in Tennessee. They looked and smelled great. We quickly gave them the lesson and then had to come home fast so our hometeachers could come on over (it must be the last Sunday in the month). Anyway, they give the same type of lesson that we had been giving and it goes for quite awhile. My son is a bit fed up with church for the day. He feels like he has been at church from 11:00 until 5:00. That's just too long to be at church for anybody. He also comments to me about one of the speakers that mentioned not wearing his garment top one day when he went for a quick tubing experience during a lunch break at work. he felt bad for not wearing the top especially when an accident caused him to be in the emergency room and his mother saw him without it. My son didn't understand because why would you wear garments if you were in the water doing this. I kind of agreed with my sons assessment. Well, other than that part, the talks, as I said earlier, were good.

This morning there was a little bit of snow. Not a lot, but a little bit. It is also supposed to be another snow day tomorrow. I still need to get my car in for its inspection so I can make it legal to drive again. We will more than likely need new tires and all of that. Money is a bit tight right now, but we will have to make do.

My wife cut my hair tonight. She first cut my sons hair and then mine. It's good to get it shortened again. She then did my daughters hair. It was tiring for her I'm sure. Not too much else going on, as I said earlier, but I thought I had better write in here anyway.


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