Saturday, April 07, 2007


With the kids gone, my wife and I were able to sleep in this morning. It was a much needed rest for both of us. We did finally get up and get moving. We took the dog for a walk and got home just in time to leave.

I was able to get four tickets from my work at the Bees game today. We went over and picked our kids up from the grandparents, and headed out to the Franklin Covey baseball stadium. At first it looked like we were going to be the only people in the suite and there was a ton of food there. They had the makings for Tacos, Nachos and Fajitas. We all had some, of course. Finally six other people came to the suite.

The game was good. We chose to leave at the top of the 9th inning. The Bees were ahead. We got out to our car and when we were leaving we saw the multitudes coming out. I guess that last inning it was 3 up and 3 out, because they were out so fast. We didn't beat the crowds as much as we thought we would. We came home from this, and really didn't do too much else with our day.


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