Sunday, April 01, 2007

Conference Weekend

Going back to last Thursday, I got a call at work from my wife because the guy who is supposed to be fixing our nail pops was there. He was saying that since he had already fixed them (we asked that the same guy not be brought around) at our one year that he would not fix them. We knew there could be problems with this when we tried to get Perry Homes to fix the problem, but thought that we had overcome all of that. I got on the phone with him (his name is Craig also) and told him that we had gotten the OK from Perry Homes as well as from (as it turns out) his father. He was still refusing to do the work because it was not warrantied. They only do the year thing as a favor to Perry Homes as a selling point. I got in a bit of an argument with him and told him that it would be a breach of verbal contract if his company did not do so, because his father had said they would. I also let him know that we didn't want him to come out to our home in the first place and we had asked for another in his stead. I told him of the last time he came with mud on his feet. He told me that he always takes his shoes off so he knew I was lying. That wasn't really the point of any of this, so when his father called him on his cell phone, I let him go. I talked with my wife for a bit and heard her talk with Craig about what was going to be done. It looked like he would do it, but he wasn't very happy about it. I left work early to get home while he was there.

Friday was my normal day off, and my wife was going to be doing Anne and Marie's' hair. Pam came over with them and me, my son, my daughter, Pam, and Marie's son Sammy went out to breakfast at IHOP. We had a great breakfast and then came home. I went out looking for different options on cell phones. I mostly found that I don't like most of the family plans and find them to be quite expensive. I will look around to see what other kind of deals may or may not be out there. I got home to a house full of people, and had to do a few preparations for Craig to come out his second day to take care of nail pops. Most of the people in the house were watching "Happy Feet". I watched a bit of that, and then while they were watching the next DVD, I took my son over to his friends house (Craig). When I got home, Sammy was playing around with some of my sons stuff (namely his air soft guns). He was aiming it at Craig (the guy fixing the nail pops) and I had to grab it away from him. I had to keep him out of the hair and really didn't want him in our basement as we are simply not set up for a little active four year old kid. He wasn't happy with me, but then, I didn't expect him to be. Everyone finally left, and my wife was absolutely exhausted. She also felt that she didn't make enough money because Marie traded with her for her hair to be done in Mary Kaye products. My wife feels like she got too much in those products. My daughter went with Pam and Anne to their home till the next night.

Saturday morning came, and my wife was still tired. I spent some of the time giving her massages and the like to try and help her out with all the pains that came from a long day the day before. We watched General Conference in the morning, and enjoyed it. At noon, I called over to Craig's house to see when our son would be coming home. They said they would bring him home in a short time. We had a quick lunch and then watched the second session of conference. I really enjoyed everything about conference. It was nice. I did go to the store and missed the first part of Saturday afternoon. The tabernacle was rededicated during the afternoon session of conference. We went for a walk together between sessions.

Of course, my son was upset because he had to dress up in Sunday clothes in order to go to the Priesthood Session. That was also enjoyed by me, but my son was absolutely bored and the seats were hard. I took him to McDonalds for shakes after this. I also got one for my wife.

When I arrived home, I found that my wife had seen a guy aerating a lawn, and he was doing our lawn. She had discussed with me that we needed this to be done when we had gone on our walk earlier. We immediately got in our SUV and went to Bountiful to pick up our daughter. She wasn't happy that we were there because she wanted to spend another day there. They were too scared to ask me for that when I had called earlier. I guess I'm kind of grumpy. We visited for a bit and then came back home.

During conference on Sunday morning, I helped my wife to make a vegetable pizza that is made with crescent rolls and cream cheese. I love that. Once again, it was a great conference. I particularly liked the talk by Faust on forgiveness. It was particularly touching.

When that conference was over, we headed out to my brother Scott's' house. Since my parents and oldest brother are on a vacation in Europe, Scott decided to have the conference dinner and watching conference at his house. Almost everybody was there. We enjoyed our time there as well as the conference and then came home from that. This pretty much used up the day. There really isn't anything else to tell.


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