Sunday, April 29, 2007


Friday was my day off at work. I spent the morning with my wife and we enjoyed our time together. We went out for some lunch at TGIF and then went to run a couple of errands. We bought a cheesecake with some fruit so we could make us a nice dessert. We just enjoyed the time we had together.

When the kids got home from school, my daughter had her friend, Melina over. Melina would be staying the night as part of my daughters birthday party. We did go to the video store and picked up a couple of movies. The one that they wanted to see was, "A Night at the Museum". We just had corndogs for dinner and then my wife and I were basically booted out of the family room so they could watch their movie.

Saturday morning, we went out to Boondocks as soon as it opened up. We had some $25 certificates that I was able to buy for $17 at That made it a bit more worth it, but then they screwed up at the registers and we didn't catch the screw up until after we had lunch. The guy didn't count our money correct so we paid an extra $25. I was able to go to management, and they found my receipt and gave me back the one $25 certificate. This was a bit maddening because we had paid cash for a couple of other things. We ended up using the $25 towards max flight (a flight simulator or roller coaster). It paid for four of us to go on that. I didn't even get sick and throw up or anything.

We did our share of racing on the tracks. Some did the climbing walls, and of course there is the miniature golf. The kids also did some laser tag. We had some lunch in there and a little later gave them some mint brownies for a happy birthday. We then came home for a little while.

While we were eating dinner, I mentioned that Melina had talked to her father about the possibility of us going out there again, and he said it was OK. My wife said she was too tired to go, and I said I would take them and she could stay home. I should've discussed this in private with my wife before suggesting such a thing. She wanted to spend time with us as a family and was simply too tired to go back. Of course to not let us go, she would look bad, but she was angry. Anyway, I went back with the kids and we got home around 9:30 in the evening.

Sunday morning came along, finding me a bit stiff. My son went over to the church for a presidency meeting and not finding anybody else, he came home. While he was walking home, I got a call asking me where he was. I told them that he was at the church, and soon after I hung up he came walking through the door. I drove him back for his meeting and caught them leaving. It was only the leaders of the Teachers quorum. They did go in and have the meeting and dropped him off at home again.

My wife and I had made an appointment to see somebody in the stake presidency for our temple recommends at noon. We got there on time and nobody was in the stake offices. We sat around for about 20 minutes. Finally, I called into the stake offices to leave a voice mail and the phone was answered. President LaMunyon had just barely arrived and he let us in the door. I went in and interviewed with him and when we came out my wife was gone (interviewing with another member of the stake presidency). I talked with President LaMunyon for a little while and he got to know me just a bit better. It was good, but we were there too long (because of the wait).

We arrived home just in time to get our family back over to church for our Sunday meetings. Nothing of interest really happened at church to report on.

After arriving home, we all got our own separate dinners, and I had asked about the cheese cake. My wife, in her anger and to get my attention had thrown the rest of it away. She wanted me to know how it felt when somebody did something that was insensitive and senseless. The point was taken, although I thought hers was just out of meanness, where mine was simply not thinking things through properly. Anyway, there are no hard feelings now about it (though I was pretty mad at the time).

We went for a walk a little bit later and took an old bike of my daughters to a neighbor who was looking for bikes for their grandkids. Not much else to talk about now.


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