Monday, April 16, 2007

Family Home Evening

Not too much has happened over this past weekend. Sunday was a long day for my wife and I because we had to go to the first ever correlation meeting at the ward. It lasted almost two hours. The promise is that this won't be happening on a regular basis, but there was a lot to try to get done. Everybody is in their new callings and we, as a ward, are moving. Of course, my wife and I hadn't been sustained quite yet along with a couple of others in there too.

I am being introduced to people in the Elders quorum since they really aren't used to seeing me in there. I guess I have been with the deacons so long that a lot of the people don't really know me. Both weeks that I have attended Elders quorum I was asked to give the closing prayer.

Sunday School was quite enjoyable as well. Then, in Sacrament meeting we got sustained, along with a bunch of other people in the ward. I still don't know who is in what calling. Soon after arriving home, we got a call from Sister Lambourne. She was the old activity committee chair and she says that she has some things for us. My wife and I were kind of tired so couldn't get over today. That five hours of church really wore us out. We didn't even go to get set apart. We need to do that next week.

Today was a pretty good day at work. I was asked by Brad (the boss) if I would like to go out to lunch along with the rest of my row. The excuse that was used was for making us move our cubicles around. We went to the Lonestar and had a good lunch.

Soon after arriving home, my wife showed me some things that she had written down about our son. I added a couple of things and then based on that list of good qualities I wrote up some things about our son that we could give to him. My wife had already written up one on the qualities of our daughter. It was one that was supposed to be given to her a couple of weeks ago at Young Women, but because we were at a piano recital she didn't receive it.

For family home evening, we had a lesson on personal testimony (the same lesson that was given in priesthood meeting and relief society this week. When I was going over some of the stuff my daughter interrupted me and was going on about how she already knew all this stuff. It caused some contention. This is a bit upsetting because we haven't held FHE on a regular basis, and when we do, we get extra contention. We had to tell her that the lesson is not for her alone, but for the whole family, and that she shouldn't be acting this way. We really don't know what to do with her because when she gets this way it adds to the contention of the home. We are trying to do all we can to keep this contention out.

At the end of FHE we gave the kids their letters that we had written and left it at that.


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