Sunday, August 30, 2009

Golf - Bellamy Brothers

Thursday I had a doctors appointment with a doctor that looks at your hormones and testosterone levels to see if he can take care of some of your medical problems through natural drugs (rather than the synthetic ones). He was a doctor that I really enjoyed. He has a cheerful demeanor and is one that you feel comfortable with when telling him your problems. It will be about two weeks for my test results to get back. I wonder if he'll be able to tell me why I get so many kidney stones.

Friday morning I was able to fix a problem that had been plaguing me in the past couple of days. I even got it done before I had to head out to go golfing. The golfing was a work golf day and it was kind of fun even though golfing isn't the thing I like to be doing.

We were told to get there in time to have some breakfast. I had an omelet and it was quite good. I had asked to be close to the first ones to go out because I needed to get home for a concert that night. I was in the second group out and was golfing with Merlin. We also were with Darin and Todd (a sales rep from IBI). Merlin and I were not good golfers, while Todd and Darin were. They put up with us all right, but that was about it. My good hits were the hits that they were calling lousy. I only had two downright impressive tee offs in the whole 18 holes. At one point, the Marshall of the golf course came out and told us that we were to be playing scramble (that is that the best shot is the one we all shoot from when golfing). He was quite grumpy about it, and there really wasn't a good reason for that because we were right on top of the first group who were right on top of the group in front of them. We just continued on the same way (ignoring what he asked).

We had lunch on the course and then finally the last hole there was a competition where you start wherever you hit the ball onto the green and then get a wobbly ball to hit into the hole. All of us had gotten really close to the hole so were able to hit from there. We ended up with six for the four of us to get in (Todd had gone home and I hit his ball in for him). Both of mine were one hit and the other two got two hits. Anyway, I had to leave about now because it was about 4:00.

I got home and my wife was telling me that she was hungry so wanted to get out and start our date. I quickly showered and got out. Our conversation wasn't very good between us and we ended up with a roadblock. I called Steve and told him we wouldn't be able to make it to the dinner with them before the show, and then we went to a mall instead because we had to kind of calm down. My wife had wanted to go home and blow the whole evening off. I was glad that she didn't do this. We did talk to Steve just before the show and he told us that he would let us know if some seats around him were empty.

The Bellamy Brothers did a good concert. We both quite enjoyed the music. At around 8:30 Steve texted me and let me know of some seats that were by him. I didn't notice the text until about 15 minutes later. We did move up right behind the four of them (Barbara, Mark, Steve and Susan). We moved up there. Then the people in the seats next to Steve were emptied. We moved up there and were now in the front row. It wasn't a spectacular concert, but it was a good one and we enjoyed our time there.

After the concert, we hung back and talked with the four of them. Mark had a seizure which I always hate to see. I'm just glad that Steve takes the time to be with his sister and her husband. I am sure they appreciate it as well. After awhile, Mark and Barbara left to go home and then Steve and Susan drove us to our vehicle. We then sat there and talked for quite awhile. In the meantime, our son texted me and told me that he had picked up our daughter from the Bingham game that she was playing in the pep band for. Bingham won, and it was against their greatest rival Alta. Both these schools are the top schools in the district and have been winning back and forth for years. Anyway, the conversation with Steve was great and I think we both had a good time. I know I did, and hope that my wife did also. The kids were still up when we got home. We got them to bed and then went to bed ourselves. I was starting to stiffen up from my golf game.

I slept in till about 9:00 on Saturday. When I finally got up, I knew that I had better beat the heat and get out to mow my lawn. I did the trimming as well and also some weeding. By the time I was done, I was hot and sweaty. Thank goodness I finished before the real heat came in. I had to run some jobs for work because the warehouse had gone down the night before, and then I was able to do some dusting and vacuuming in the house (well I took time to read the paper and relax too). After all of that, I took everything out of the freezer so we could defrost it. This took the rest of the day to get defrosted, but now there is actually room in the freezer to put a few things. We also took our daughter to a birthday party that she didn't get home from until about 11:00 in the evening.

Today, my wife wasn't feeling that great and stayed home from church. She was released from her calling as the special needs teacher and it will be interesting to see if they still do one. Now she just has to worry about what they will call her to next. Nothing much happened in church today, but Glen did ask me about my feelings on whether or not we should get a new assistant Scout Master because of the camp outs I have missed with these concerts (and I will miss the one in September too). I told him that would be nice, but the concerts for the year are almost over. We'll have to see what happens next year, but I would like to do the concerts again. It has been fun. Not much else went on.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Swimming Party - Town Hall Meeting

It's time that I try to put in things that are going on in my life. I am currently quite involved in debate over the Health Care Reform that Obama is trying to inflict upon the people of this county. I agree that Health Care Reform needs to take place, but I don't agree that there should be a public health insurance that will take out private industries over the course of a few years. There is a 1000 page document that they are trying to pass, and it looks like a lot of things are in there that are disagreeable to a free society. I don't pretend to have the answers, but it does look like a bum deal. I am hoping that it doesn't pass, and that we will come up with a better alternative.

Anyway, yesterday at work they had the birthday lunch for the July and August birthdays. I went to that, and had some good food and listened to how the company is doing in these depressed economic times. It doesn't sound like we are doing terrible, but we aren't doing as well as we would like too. I think, overall, it was good news.

Tuesday night there was a combined Young Men/Young Women activity which was a pool party at one of the members houses. We also listened to brother Mabunga with a devotional for the first part of it. He talked about keeping your bodies temples clean. It was interesting because he has been a bishop 3 different times for five years each with one year off to do something else. He was also a young men president and a ward missionary. He also served some time as a mission president. Now, he is getting ready to be the temple president in the Philippines. He and his wife have only lived in our ward for a few months. He said his daughter would move into his home while he is gone. What a life of service he has done.

After the devotional all of the kids went out and jumped into the pool. It was kind of interesting because the boys went to one side and the girls to the other. The boys played basketball and the girls kind of splashed around and visited. Only one adult actually got in the pool. I spent my time talking to various adults (including the Mabungas). We also had dinner of hamburgers while we were there.

I took Melina home (my daughter had invited her) and then my daughter. My wife was outside talking to the Sreys. I went out for the last part. We talked a little bit about the freedoms we have in this country in comparison to how their early years in Cambodia and their escaping Cambodia when the Communists completely took over. We still need to have them over for dinner sometime to tell us their stories. I think they would be great stories to hear.

Tonight, I had to go pick up our daughter from Marching Band. I also grabbed some Tacos and got home. I had to hurry up and eat my Taco because I was a bit late to the Town Hall Meeting taking place at the Middle School. I was only a few minutes late. It was started by giving at least two people awards for military service. That was kind of nice. Then, the meeting started. Jason Chaffetz (our congressional representative) presided. There were times that he talked a bit too much and people in the audience would yell for him to get to questions and comments from us. The majority of the town hall meeting was on the public health care bill that is being booted around in DC. Most of the people there (and most of the people in Utah) agree with me that the public health care option is not good.

The first person that Chaffetz asked for a comment was one that is for the public option. There were a few Boos with him as well as a few people who cheered him on. It went on from there. Chaffetz held up the 1000 page bill and said that he was against it. He told us that it was hatched with all kinds of notes about midnight one night and then they were expected to vote on it at 1:00 PM without having the proper time to even look it over. It is incredible to me how fast Obama tries to pull the wool over peoples eyes, and he has done it on about everything that I have seen. He is in a hurry to get everything through despite the fact that he told us (during his campaign) that everything would be online for people to look at for at least five days (for peoples comments) before signing goes on with it. I guess this one has not gotten to that point, but other things have, and he has never given people that five day window. As it sits, this one is too big for only five days to review it and make good comments.

When Chaffetz called on others to ask a question or comment, the first guy he asked to do this kept on heckling each of them. He was told that he had had his turn, but he still continued with this idiocy. There were those that agreed with Chaffetz and there were those that disagreed. There were boos, and there were cheers. One guy on the sidelines started to yell "You guys call yourselves Christians?, you guys are against helping out your neighbor?". He was kind of irritating and telling us that if we don't pass this thing that we are the anti Christ. It was pretty funny, and nobody took him serious on either side.

Then there was a lady on one side of the place with a sign that said she had a full time job and no insurance. I was kind of impressed that she held it up throughout the whole meeting (it went for an hour and a half). There was another little boy on the other side holding a sign asking us not to give him extra expenses to pay. I was unimpressed that a mother (or father) would have him do that. I think that is a form of child abuse.

There was a guy near the front that got up and told of his wife's' breast cancer. He had put out about $5000 so far and was looking at a lot more (after insurance). He wanted to know what we would do to help him out. He was for the public option. I disagreed with him about that, but thought he was pretty reasonable. However, he ended up being completely unreasonable as the meeting progressed. He ended up standing up and yelling at Chaffetz and using language that was inappropriate in the meeting. One older gentleman tried to get him to sit down by putting his hand on his head and then tried to block his view from Chaffetz. Another lady stood up and was waving papers in her hand as if saying, Shh, Shh, Shh. We couldn't hear her, but it was pretty funny. In the meantime the police came over to get between Chaffetz and this guy just in case something would happen there (nothing did). Chaffetz ended up telling the guy that there were young people here and he shouldn't use that kind of language. He then said that he wishes he would speak with a vocabulary of words that were over four characters long. That got a good laugh.

More people spoke. Chaffetz did some lecturing and gave political stances on education and other things as well as the public health insurance. The room was filled with caring people and there was a lot of noise at times and quiet at other times. Overall, it was a crowd that was mostly in control. The lady with the sign yelled out some things (I couldn't hear her that well). Other people yelled out a few other things. The audience asked for them to be silent while others had the floor.

One man stood up and called Chaffetz a liar. He pointed out that the Post Office has competition and that they are able to stand up with a public service so why can't health care. Chaffetz told him that one difference is that the Postal Service is within the Constitution (Section 8, Clause 7), and that public health care is not. Then he told Chaffetz that where he lied was when he talked on KSL radio today on the Doug Wright show and talked about end of life counseling, at which point Chaffetz read from the actual bill. The guy just kept on yelling that it was a choice, and Chaffetz said that it was mandated in the Bill as we all heard him reading from it. Then Brother Cromar stood up and had his couple of minutes. He basically was saying that we need to get back to the Constitution and that everything that he has seen coming out of DC was the stupidest thing he had ever seen in his life. That got some cheering.

Everything wound down, and people left. It was a big crowd so it took me about 10 minutes to get out of the parking lot. As I left, I picked up a brochure from Osmond who is running for mayor of South Jordan. I am kind of inclined to vote for him from what I've seen so far.

It's a great country that we can go to one of these meetings and though we disagree vehemently at times that we can leave with no violence happening. I am grateful to be in this great country of America, and pray that it will continue to be the great place it is. I am convinced that these debates that we have and differences that we have is a part of what makes America great. Of course, I still hope things go the way I believe they should.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Eagle Projects - Temple Dedication

Another week has passed, and here I am trying to catch up. That seems to be the way that life goes on for me. Work has been busy for me and a constant new thing or two is coming up there. But, I won't bore people with what I do at work. Instead I'll bore people with what I do at home.

Tuesday evening I went to Young Men. It was in opening exercises that the Young Women who are the same age as our 14 -18 year old boys found out that they were invited to go water skiing with the Young Men on Saturday. I could just see the excitement in my daughters eyes as she realized that this meant her. Well, we went to a room as the Scouts and worked on the Computer merit badge. None of the boys took notes so we are just hoping some of them will actually finish this one up.

Wednesday, my wife had taken our dog into the vet to get her rabies shot and a check up. There were also a couple of other shots that she got. She was told that our dog is having problems with her legs and if the kneecaps blow out (they call it something else) then we are into a vet bill of around $2500 and that isn't guaranteed to work. My wife called me at work crying because they were kind of insensitive to her. It bothered her all night.

Friday, my wife went to an ear, nose and throat specialist. She was told that her tonsils would need to be taken out so we are going to prepare for that on September 8th (the day after Labor day). Of course I will have to take off that day and possibly the next to help take care of her. It was no surprise to us that this would need to be done. We will just pray that everything works out good in this. I love my wife dearly and don't look forward to the down time that she will have from this. I know its minor surgery, but it is surgery, and I don't care for it. I also worry because I hear it is harder when you get older.

Saturday, we woke up to make sure the kids got over to the church by 7:00. They went off for the day to Jordanelle State Park for water skiing activities. I had been invited to go, but since I had to help out with the Eagle Projects that morning, had to decline.

At 9:00 we met over at the church. There were donuts and milk. I had never seen 12-13 year old boys take so long to grab a donut as I did these boys. They finally did get one and then split us into four groups to go around and pick up items. One of the boys (Jordan) was doing his project to gather books for a group and the other (Chandler) was getting things for a homeless shelter. There were more books that people had to give up than there were shampoo and other items needed for the homeless shelter. I kind of felt bad for Chandler, but I'm sure he'll be OK. We got all the things over to the Woods home and then sorted them. This took pretty well until around noon because it was hard to get all the boys concentrating on what they needed to do. There was pizza and then we went home.

Our son came home around 1:00 from Water skiing, and it wasn't until around 1:30 that our daughter arrived home. The time difference was dramatic enough that I was getting ready to call Glen about where they were. She walked in the door just as I picked up the phone. Our son told us that Brother Wallace is just evil (this was said in a teasing manner). I guess speed up means speed up, slow down means speed up, and yelling and screaming means speed up even faster. They both had a good time and were glad to have that time. I of course was taking care of laundry for most of the rest of the day. I was glad that I didn't have to get out in the 100 degree heat to mow the lawn because my son had done it the day before.

This morning we had to wake up early so we could make it to the temple dedication in our stake center. We had to be in our seats by 8:30 (we chose to go to the 9:00 session instead of the 3:00 session), so we got there at 8:15. It was a bit hard for my wife to get up and ready, but she did it.

We enjoyed the dedication of the Oquirrh Mountain Temple and then came home. There really wasn't much else to do since they canceled all church meetings in the area for this dedication. It was kind of like watching general conference, but it was done at the stake center and of course there is the dedicatory prayer. The spirit was strong there. I was brought to tears.

Well, not much else going on in my life.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Party at Larrys House

I got a lot of things accomplished at work, but that is not what this journal is about. Instead I will tell of what is happening in my regular life.

I had to pick up some fruit from Costco on the way home from work. My wife also wanted a new trail mix that we had tried the other day at Pam's house yesterday. It was a blueberry, pomegranate mix and was in bars. It was quite tasty. I got that for my wife for her to go to BYU's Education Week tomorrow. But, I arrived home and we just had to put together a couple of things. Of course, my wife had been out shopping trying to find some board shorts for our daughter that were decent. This is the wrong time of year for that, but she did it anyway. She also bought each of the kids a new t-shirt. She then made some bar cookies that are quite yummy.

We headed out for the party at my brothers house and got caught in some traffic on the way there. We took some funny ways around, but finally got there. We were able to meet Pam there who we exchanged the dog for the kids. We also gave her a brief look around the house. She thought it was big with only a couple of bedrooms (which is true). Well, she was invited to stay for awhile but she chose to leave. It would've been nice if she could've stayed with us, but she was embarrassed.

I was surprised that Eileen was there from North Carolina. I guess she came down for her daughters graduation from BYU. She had also been down to Moab to visit with her mother who had broken a bone (I think it was a shoulder bone).

We just kind of talked to a few people while the hamburgers were getting made and then ate. After dinner, I went out into the pool to play some pool volleyball. We make up the rules as we go, and it was actually quite fun. Certainly not real volleyball.

The only other thing we did while we were there was to wish my mom a happy 80th birthday. It's not till the 23rd (this Sunday) but since the temple dedication is going on that day for the Oquirrh Mountain temple (all church is cancelled that day in Utah) we decided to celebrate on this day instead.

We had to leave around 9:45 so we could go pick up our dog from Pam and Anne. Anne had one of her sisters visiting her with her two kids as well as the other twin who lives there currently. We stayed for a little while and then we headed home. I had to look up prices on the BYU education week for my wife so she wouldn't be completely surprised, but other than that all things are set to go. It's late and time for bed.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Marching Band - Zach

Our daughter has joined Bingham High Schools Marching Band. She spent all of last week (Monday - Friday) in what they call camp. They practiced from 8:00 AM until 8:00 PM each night (well they got out a little early Friday evening). On Thursday evening I had to go to a parents meeting to learn a little about what is going on and they like you to volunteer. I volunteered to be a chaperon on two days in September (riding those buses is really fun).

After I got out of that meeting, I noticed a bunch of kids coming in from their daily activities. I heard one boy telling his father that two girls had fainted while out there. The first thought that went through my mind was, "my daughter was one of those". When I caught up with our daughter, I asked her if she was one of the two and was answered in the affirmative. The other one was also a flute player and our daughter helped her through it as she knew it was coming to her before it actually did. Based on what I'm hearing, I think it was just the heat.

Having Friday off, I didn't really do too much. Our son went to the Lagoon and our daughter was with the Marching Band. My wife and I went out to lunch and just did a couple of things and then came home. I enjoyed the time with my wife, but being home was kind of boring. We picked up our daughter a little bit early and she wanted to get ready to go to the Bingham High football game with her friend. My wife and I went for a walk. While walking we stopped and talked with one of our neighbors. She told us how she was having a difficult time going to church until she could get her mind straightened around a bit. She doesn't need the extra guilty trip. She feels like a failure because all of her adult children are not behaving in a good way. She worries about the tattoos, the drugs and the deciding I'm gay problems. I felt that it was good to talk with her, and hope that in some little way we helped her out. We certainly understand somewhat the trials she is going through.

While we were talking, we watched our son drive our daughter away (I guess he came home while we were talking). We just went home and didn't do too much. I joked about going to the game to spy on our daughter, but we didn't (unfortunately). A little later our daughters friend (who she went to the game with) called us accidentally meaning to call our daughter. They were separated and she didn't know where she was. She hung up on my wife. I headed out to the school to see what was going on (you know the hero thing). On the way there, I was called from my wife telling me that our daughter had gone to Apollo Burger but would meet me in the front of the school. We didn't know what we were going to do about the friend yet (her parents were out of town in St George and we were trying to be helpful). When I pulled into Bingham, I picked up the friend (she was wandering around) and asked about our daughter. She knew by now that she had gone to Apollo. Then my wife called and told me to go pick her up at Apollo. I did. It seems that my 15 year old daughter decided to go to Apollo Burger with two boys (both 16). She said that one of them was having a sugar deficit so she was helping him out by buying him an ice cream cone (I don't know how far to believe this). Anyway, I drove them both home and then my wife and I had a conversation with our daughter. My wife had also called the others parents and we talked to them a little bit too. As far as we know our daughter is more guilty of something than the other (but we don't know about the friend). Well, it seems we'll have to watch our daughter a little bit closer.

Saturday was kind of a lazy day for me. I watched a video and did the laundry. I really didn't do much else.

Today, we went to church and got home so we could wait to hear when Zach was coming in. We finally got the call and headed out to Pam and Annes house. We still had a time to wait and visited with Pam and Anne. Later, Brandon, my in-laws and Melanie came. Then Marie and Scott. Kiki was already there. Finally Zach came in with his grandparents and we all went to Chuck-A-Rama. We had a nice dinner and my wife and I had a banter with Scott on how to get your children to be honest with you (of course this coming from a young couple without kids). It was a fun banter.

We had the Magruders follow us home so we could give them some glasses that Zach had left at our house. My wife felt bad that they had to drive all the way out there to get these glasses because we should've thought about bringing them out with us. Oh well, we can't think of everything.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Young Men Super Activity

I have had a lot of problems going on at work on Monday and Tuesday. There are still a few things that are not working correctly in the new way that we have chosen to go. I guess I'm grateful for this type of thing because problems is what keeps me in a job. But, I spent two days so far in trying to fix problems and I am still working on one of those problems. I do have a work around on the problem but that is only temporary because it is a manual process. I don't want to have to babysit it so closely.

Monday night, my wife and I went to an Empty Nester's party (they hold these once a month). Even though we aren't Empty Nester's, they told us we could go because we are at the age where we easily could be. We had a great time and great food while we were there. My wife also took on the October Empty Nester meet.

On Tuesday I left work and prepared to go on a Young Men Super Activity. We went to the Bees baseball game and then to camp. In the morning there was some bike riding and then we went to Millers Motor Sports in Tooele, Utah. Following is my take on it all.

We left the bishops house around 6:15 and arrived at the Stadium for the baseball game just after it started. We had some seats that were out in Left Field. They were pretty good seats, but the game was not that great for the Bees. They were playing Nashville and just weren't doing that great. We left at around inning 6. The score was 6 to 1 in favor of Nashville when we left. We did have a hot dog and drink for dinner.

The campground that we were supposed to go to just out of Grantsville Utah (the same one we went to for Fathers and Sons this year) was unavailable. They got called on the day of and told that we couldn't go there because the fires had burned it up and they weren't sure if they were completely out or not. We got another campsite at a place called The Spruces up by Brighton, Utah. We had to be there by 10:00 so the gates would still be open. That was the reason we left the game a bit early.

Putting up a tent in the dark is not so fun. We were the first car to get to the campsite. My son had collected the firewood before going, so he started to build a fire while I was trying to set up the tent with the flashlight in hand. The dirt was also hard, so the stakes didn't go in to easily. My son got the fire going and then came and helped me finish setting up the tent. We then went to the fire and roasted marshmallows for smores. There were two other leaders that also set up tents. A couple of Scouts slept on the ground, my son was in my tent and five of the biggest scouts slept in the trailer that had been rented to put their bikes in. I don't know how they fit in that trailer comfortably. The bishop slept in his Durnago and said that since the trailer was attached to it he felt it rock any time a scout moved. I stayed up till just past midnight. The sky was nice and clear. If I could've stayed up it would've been nice to see the meteor showers around 3:00, but I was too tired.

We woke up and put everything up. One leader got up and got the fire started and then finally the rest of the Scouts woke up. They made breakfast and then went on their bike ride. I stayed behind partly because I am not in shape, but mostly because they barely had enough bikes for them (a couple brought two bikes for others to use). I wandered around the camping area during the time they were gone. I was also in communication with work about some problems going on there. They did finally get it all done.

After the bike ride we headed to the Miller Sports Park. I was given some verbal directions but the main highway I was told to take was shut down just before we got where we needed to be. I had to find another way in. I got a bit lost, but made it to the right place in time.

We all put on neck braces, a head sock and a helmet. We then went out and got some quick instructions and then were able to race. We broke the group up into two groups of seven each. After the first 10 minutes of racing, I was a bit tired. I had held my own though and only two people got past me. They had a bit faster carts than I had as you could tell by the straight ways. The second time I got out there was something wrong with my front right tire. It looked concave while I was ripping around the track. I lost traction going around a right turn and the cart would slow down. When I got done with that I told them about it, and it was that my tire was going flat. It certainly was hard to do. I was quite tired after that one. I think I can only take two 10 minute races at a time. We kept the head sock we had been given as a souvenir or to go back and save $2 when we race again. We ate at McDonalds in Tooele just before getting on the freeway to go home. It was a great time.

I have to say that tonight I am quite tired. I am thankful for Ibuprofen though. It helps me get through the aches and pains of being an old man.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Work Problems - Day at Lagoon

Last Thursday I was asked to stay at work until around 6:00 in the evening. It would be a long day since I usually get into work at 6:00 in the morning, but I was OK with that. We were changing the version of IBI tools that we run. 6:00 turned to 7:00 and finally finished up around midnight. It was an extremely long day and we still didn't accomplish what we hoped to accomplish. We had to turn it all back. I went home tired from the long day. I slept in Friday morning.

After waking up Friday morning, I had to get to the store to pick up a couple of items so we could go to the Lagoon. After getting all of that we got Melina to come over and then headed out. We took Lizzy over to Dee Anne's parents and then got to the Lagoon just before noon. We started out by eating a quick lunch and then the kids separated themselves from us to ride the rides. We noticed that one of the drink packets I had gotten to put in our water had a lot of caffeine to it. We tried to hide this from the kids so they wouldn't use it, but that ended up being useless as they tore apart the box until they found it. But, we think the caffeine that my wife imbibed in (me too) is what made it so she could ride more rides than she has ever ridden before when we have come with the kids. We even got her to go on the ride Wicked (which she had refused before because we had a bad experience). It turns out to be one of her favorite rides now.

We stayed at the Lagoon until around 10:00 in the evening when we packed it up and left. I think we all had an enjoyable time there.

While I was at the Lagoon, my work informed me (through the blackberry) that they had gone to the new system. Things seemed to be working but not recvchk. That was driving me crazy but I finally figured out why and let them know about it. That did get fixed and things seemed to be OK.

Because of the previous days activity, we had to have a relaxing day at home. We really didn't do too much on Saturday. There was a little bit of laundry, and when our sons white shirt turned yellow because of the bleach, I had to go to the store and pick up a new shirt for him. The shirt did say not to bleach it, and I notice that the new shirt says to use non-chlorine bleach. At any rate it was a day of not doing anything. We were called and asked if we could go in to see the Stake about our temple recommends on Sunday. I also had to run across town to pick up our daughters flute that was in to get tuned up.

I also had to check on the jobs on Saturday because of the changes that had been made at work. All but one set of jobs worked, and I decided that the part that wasn't going right would be OK. I would wait until Monday to get it all fixed.

This morning, my wife and I went to our Temple Recommend interview. We got with Brother LaMunyon, and finished that process out. We then had to get to church by 11:00 in the morning. My wife hasn't had Allie there so it was a surprise when Allie was there today. She had to go home to get the games and stuff and after she went to Relief Society and I went to Priesthood meeting, we stayed in the Gym and played a few games with her.

Before church started though, I had to get involved with work. The whole system was down and after they brought it up properly, I had to get my jobs to run. Thank goodness they all worked (minus what we knew didn't work).

We realized tonight that we had to have some food available to our daughter tomorrow for Marching Band camp, so I took her to the store with me to pick up some items that we needed. I shouldn't have done the shopping, but didn't really see what we should do with all of that. Well, that's my weekend.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Just Stuff

Not a lot has happened, but I thought I would take a couple of minutes and write here anyway.

This past Monday, our daughter went to the neighbors house to babysit. We can really use her doing that to help pay for her Marching Band. While she was out doing that we were all at home. My wife surprised me by asking me to go for a walk with her. It was a nice leisurely stroll around the neighborhood. We stopped and talked to a couple of our neighbors that were out. The last one being the Meideros (spelling may be faulty) family. Actually it was just the parents. We had some pretty good conversation with them. Anyway, it was a nice evening out and about.

Tuesday, I had to get over to Scouts early. We met at Glens' home. It was a game night. The games that were done were games that made the kids need to cooperate. After the last game, Jordan pushed Dallas and Dallas came close to hitting his head on the slide. Glen immediately told Jordan that he had to leave and to call his parents. I was told to follow him out. I did this. I told Jordan to call his parents to pick him up. He said he could just walk. I told him he needed to call his home. I handed him the phone. He asked for the ride and then I told him to tell why he was asking for that ride. He told his father (I didn't know who he was talking too but that's who came and picked him up) why he was being sent home. I know that is hard on the boys, but there needs to be a lesson there. Goofing around can be OK, but sometimes it can also be harmful as this almost was.

Tonight we didn't do very much at all. I was just lazy all evening. I didn't feel like doing much of anything. I mostly just read and stuff. Tomorrow I have to stay at work late to get some things changed to a new server and then I will take the next day off (however, I will need to logon to make sure my jobs all worked).

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Clint Black concert

Time just keeps on slipping away and all of that without me writing in here. Not too much has happened worth writing about though, so this keeps on going by the wayside.

On Tuesday evening the Young Men and Young Women had a combined activity going to a place for a service project. We folded and packaged supplies for a hospital. In this case it was gowns and curtains. It was a good project. At the end of the evening the power went out and it was getting a bit hot up there.

The next thing I can think of that I have done with my time (that is when I am not at work) is go to the Clint Black concert on Thursday evening. My wife and I decided that we had better get there early because of how crowded it was with the Abba concert the previous week. We found out that they let you in an hour before the concert starts and decided that we had better get there a half hour before that. We went to dinner at TGI Fridays because I had some coupons to help out on the cost of the dinner. I forgot the coupons though. They allowed me to call home and get the coupon numbers (which worked).

We got to the concert at the time we had decided and the line wasn't too bad. I thought there would be a few more people than there were there. We had an interesting conversation with the people in front of us, and then we were able to go in.

Once we got in, we got prime spots on the grass (that's why we had to get there early) we were able to talk to a couple who sat behind us. They were quite interesting. They were on a date and both were from divorces. Since the guy had just come from England I asked him a bit about their state run healthcare (because that is what Obama is trying to do to us here). He told me that it is a mess and some companies are trying to come up with private insurance again to attract workers with. With private insurance one is able to jump to the front of the queue with the same doctors on the other regulated plan (I am scared of what is happening with health insurance right now if our government has its way).

The concert started on time with some girl named Paisley. She was good. Clint Black came out and gave us a great concert as well. There were a couple of drops of rain, but it didn't get bad at all. There were also a couple of knee slapping type of songs. I thoroughly enjoyed the concert. My wife did too. We got home quite late.

Our kids however went to the High School about a fund raiser. It was a waste of time for them as they were trying to get the parents to spend an exorbitant amount of money on a Solar panel system. It was like $30K which would come back to us over time. Anyway, it was a waste of time for our kids.

Friday, I had off. I did take our daughter to school so she could get in some practicing with the people she should be working with in Marching Band. I mowed the lawn (and watered it with my sweat) and spent the day with my family. We really didn't do anything.

Saturday there was the cleaning of the house, and then we Pam and Anne came over with Margaret. We went to lunch at MacCools. It was pretty good food, and we enjoyed being there. We then came home and while my wife was cutting hair of Pam and Anne, we watched August Rush. They left. I spent some good quality time with my wife that night, and we just had a good time together with some light conversation.

Today we got up for church. At the ward house, after Deacons quorum, I found out about a couple of things that happened at camp after I left. I guess on Friday one of the Scouts kind of lost his cool and used some words that he shouldn't have used. I guess he got grounded for calling some of the other boys what he called them. Church went as normal, and then my wife and I went to the Bishop to get our Temple recommends. Now we just have to get with the stake. Not too much else is going on today.