Sunday, August 23, 2009

Eagle Projects - Temple Dedication

Another week has passed, and here I am trying to catch up. That seems to be the way that life goes on for me. Work has been busy for me and a constant new thing or two is coming up there. But, I won't bore people with what I do at work. Instead I'll bore people with what I do at home.

Tuesday evening I went to Young Men. It was in opening exercises that the Young Women who are the same age as our 14 -18 year old boys found out that they were invited to go water skiing with the Young Men on Saturday. I could just see the excitement in my daughters eyes as she realized that this meant her. Well, we went to a room as the Scouts and worked on the Computer merit badge. None of the boys took notes so we are just hoping some of them will actually finish this one up.

Wednesday, my wife had taken our dog into the vet to get her rabies shot and a check up. There were also a couple of other shots that she got. She was told that our dog is having problems with her legs and if the kneecaps blow out (they call it something else) then we are into a vet bill of around $2500 and that isn't guaranteed to work. My wife called me at work crying because they were kind of insensitive to her. It bothered her all night.

Friday, my wife went to an ear, nose and throat specialist. She was told that her tonsils would need to be taken out so we are going to prepare for that on September 8th (the day after Labor day). Of course I will have to take off that day and possibly the next to help take care of her. It was no surprise to us that this would need to be done. We will just pray that everything works out good in this. I love my wife dearly and don't look forward to the down time that she will have from this. I know its minor surgery, but it is surgery, and I don't care for it. I also worry because I hear it is harder when you get older.

Saturday, we woke up to make sure the kids got over to the church by 7:00. They went off for the day to Jordanelle State Park for water skiing activities. I had been invited to go, but since I had to help out with the Eagle Projects that morning, had to decline.

At 9:00 we met over at the church. There were donuts and milk. I had never seen 12-13 year old boys take so long to grab a donut as I did these boys. They finally did get one and then split us into four groups to go around and pick up items. One of the boys (Jordan) was doing his project to gather books for a group and the other (Chandler) was getting things for a homeless shelter. There were more books that people had to give up than there were shampoo and other items needed for the homeless shelter. I kind of felt bad for Chandler, but I'm sure he'll be OK. We got all the things over to the Woods home and then sorted them. This took pretty well until around noon because it was hard to get all the boys concentrating on what they needed to do. There was pizza and then we went home.

Our son came home around 1:00 from Water skiing, and it wasn't until around 1:30 that our daughter arrived home. The time difference was dramatic enough that I was getting ready to call Glen about where they were. She walked in the door just as I picked up the phone. Our son told us that Brother Wallace is just evil (this was said in a teasing manner). I guess speed up means speed up, slow down means speed up, and yelling and screaming means speed up even faster. They both had a good time and were glad to have that time. I of course was taking care of laundry for most of the rest of the day. I was glad that I didn't have to get out in the 100 degree heat to mow the lawn because my son had done it the day before.

This morning we had to wake up early so we could make it to the temple dedication in our stake center. We had to be in our seats by 8:30 (we chose to go to the 9:00 session instead of the 3:00 session), so we got there at 8:15. It was a bit hard for my wife to get up and ready, but she did it.

We enjoyed the dedication of the Oquirrh Mountain Temple and then came home. There really wasn't much else to do since they canceled all church meetings in the area for this dedication. It was kind of like watching general conference, but it was done at the stake center and of course there is the dedicatory prayer. The spirit was strong there. I was brought to tears.

Well, not much else going on in my life.


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