Sunday, August 02, 2009

Clint Black concert

Time just keeps on slipping away and all of that without me writing in here. Not too much has happened worth writing about though, so this keeps on going by the wayside.

On Tuesday evening the Young Men and Young Women had a combined activity going to a place for a service project. We folded and packaged supplies for a hospital. In this case it was gowns and curtains. It was a good project. At the end of the evening the power went out and it was getting a bit hot up there.

The next thing I can think of that I have done with my time (that is when I am not at work) is go to the Clint Black concert on Thursday evening. My wife and I decided that we had better get there early because of how crowded it was with the Abba concert the previous week. We found out that they let you in an hour before the concert starts and decided that we had better get there a half hour before that. We went to dinner at TGI Fridays because I had some coupons to help out on the cost of the dinner. I forgot the coupons though. They allowed me to call home and get the coupon numbers (which worked).

We got to the concert at the time we had decided and the line wasn't too bad. I thought there would be a few more people than there were there. We had an interesting conversation with the people in front of us, and then we were able to go in.

Once we got in, we got prime spots on the grass (that's why we had to get there early) we were able to talk to a couple who sat behind us. They were quite interesting. They were on a date and both were from divorces. Since the guy had just come from England I asked him a bit about their state run healthcare (because that is what Obama is trying to do to us here). He told me that it is a mess and some companies are trying to come up with private insurance again to attract workers with. With private insurance one is able to jump to the front of the queue with the same doctors on the other regulated plan (I am scared of what is happening with health insurance right now if our government has its way).

The concert started on time with some girl named Paisley. She was good. Clint Black came out and gave us a great concert as well. There were a couple of drops of rain, but it didn't get bad at all. There were also a couple of knee slapping type of songs. I thoroughly enjoyed the concert. My wife did too. We got home quite late.

Our kids however went to the High School about a fund raiser. It was a waste of time for them as they were trying to get the parents to spend an exorbitant amount of money on a Solar panel system. It was like $30K which would come back to us over time. Anyway, it was a waste of time for our kids.

Friday, I had off. I did take our daughter to school so she could get in some practicing with the people she should be working with in Marching Band. I mowed the lawn (and watered it with my sweat) and spent the day with my family. We really didn't do anything.

Saturday there was the cleaning of the house, and then we Pam and Anne came over with Margaret. We went to lunch at MacCools. It was pretty good food, and we enjoyed being there. We then came home and while my wife was cutting hair of Pam and Anne, we watched August Rush. They left. I spent some good quality time with my wife that night, and we just had a good time together with some light conversation.

Today we got up for church. At the ward house, after Deacons quorum, I found out about a couple of things that happened at camp after I left. I guess on Friday one of the Scouts kind of lost his cool and used some words that he shouldn't have used. I guess he got grounded for calling some of the other boys what he called them. Church went as normal, and then my wife and I went to the Bishop to get our Temple recommends. Now we just have to get with the stake. Not too much else is going on today.


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