Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fathers Day and other stuff

As usual, I need to go back and tell of a few things that have gone on in my personal life.

On Thursday, we had decided to go to the churches dry pack facility to do some dry packing of foods for our food storage. On the way there, we stopped off at Taco Bell and had a couple of things each on their under $1 menu. So, it didn't cost us too much, and we had a fairly decent meal for what we paid.

We got to the dry pack facility and made ourselves look completely silly with Aprons, hairnets (beard net for me) and gloves. We grabbed a few items that people had packed previously that we thought we could use. We then went in to start packing some things. We did Pinto Beans, Black Beans, Apple Chips and dry milk. Then with other stuff we picked up the bill came to around $250. But, it makes us feel good that we are at least trying to do something to get our years supply in. It is fairly inexpensive, and the nice part is that there are no taxes on it.

We had Sister Cheshire there with us along with Sister Ashton, and then a little later along came Brother and Sister Stein. Of course we helped them put together some sugar, hot chocolate mix and a few other things as well. I think our kids enjoyed doing this together as a family as well. I am almost wondering if we should bring our in-laws out to do some as well. Well, we got home from that, and thought it was at least some stuff done that we should be doing. It has been of particular concern to us since the economy hasn't been going so well. We will probably be doing more of the same come next month.

Friday was a day off of work for me. I got up and checked on my jobs from work because of changes that I had made changes too and I wanted to make sure they hadn't had a problem. I was OK there. I also spent some time trying to fix some issues my daughter has been having on my own PC at home. After a time I got all of that taken care of. I was glad of that, but my wife thought all the time I spent in there was doing work. I told her that it wasn't.

Anyway, our daughter went with our neighbors to a pool around noon and we took our son with us and went out to do some shopping for some groceries for Saturdays family reunion as well as Sunday and fathers day. Our son was with us to make sure we got food that is edible to a teen as in himself. We also picked up some candy and containers for our fathers day gifts. We bought them Salt Water Taffy, Peanuts (in the shell) and some kisses including a specialty kiss that had the cordial cherry flavor. We bought a gallon pitcher container that they could use and then bought a sugar free drink to go with that. We would put on a picture that said chill out on the container and hand that to them for Fathers Day.

After coming home from that, we relaxed for a little bit of time and then prepared to go to the Open house at the Oquirrh Temple. We had decided to go with the Srey family. We met up with them and headed out. Of course there is a video presentation as you start the open house. It lasted for just over ten minutes where the purpose of temples is briefly discussed. We then went on a self tour of the temple. Pon asked me a few questions about baptism for the dead and how we would baptize a spirit. I did tell him we don't dig up the bodies because that would just foul up the water. I told him that I would go in and stand in for and behalf of so and so. I think he came to an understanding of that. It was fun to go through with them and then we went to the refreshments and talked with them for awhile. Of course, there were some of our ward members who were working there and we talked with them as well. We also saw the Goff family (from our old ward). We also looked up at the Angel Moroni that had been hit with lightening and he had a black face as well as the trumpet he was holding. I don't know how they are going to get up there to do more gold leaf on him. Somebody told us that it was because he wasn't grounded enough that he became blackened from the storm the previous Saturday. Overall, it was a good time, and I think that Pon and Marie felt the spirit of the temple.

Saturday morning came along, and we had put some of the things together that we would need for the family reunion at Mt. Aire. We finished with a few more things and then I headed up with our kids. My wife stayed home to take care of Lizzy and would be coming up later. I got through the gate by a person who was already up there, and my little brother had called up my wife to see where I was. This had her concerned because she knew that I should've been there by then. I guess I should've gone back down to give her a call to tell her I was OK, but I didn't because I was concerned about getting back in through the gate. I was in a little bit of trouble for that because she spent a couple of hours worrying and then finally decided that police or somebody would've called her by now if there was a problem.

It rained all day long Saturday. At least there is a Bowery at Uncle Bobs cabin that we were able to be under for the most part. The hikers decided not to go on the hike because of the rain. Some of the kids still played around in the mud, and parents all congregated and talked. I had various conversations with various people around there. I also finally went to look inside my Uncle Genes cabin to see how it had come out. I have never really looked at it after the construction was all finished. It is quite nice.

There was the rock competition where people find rocks and then decorate them to show what that rock looks like to them. One little girl there told Diane (when Diane asked what it looked like) that hers looked just like a rock. My brother Larry put one rock in that he said looked just like a cookie.

Speaking of Larry, I got an email from him the other day that discussed his progress with the disease he has and our fast that we had. It seems to have helped him along. He has been able to get off the oxygen and is working on getting his energy back. He is still in pain as far as his fingers and toes go with those bone spurs, but says he can deal with that. He feels that it has come about because of all the prayers that have gone toward him and his health. He did say that he still can't play the piano, but then he never could. Anyway, it was an upbeat health message coming from him. He certainly has seen his share of miracles over all of this time with this disease (scleroderma).

After lunch, we all went into the cabin (this is a bit unusual, but the weather called for it) to have the fish pond for the kids and the adults listened to an interview that Eric had done many years ago (1982) with my grandma Rose, since it was her birthday this day. It was fun hearing her voice and hearing of her life as she saw it when she was a little girl. We talked a bit about some remembrances of Grandma and the life she had led, and then broke up for awhile to do whatever we wanted. The rain had stopped for a bit. My wife had come up about this time.

Since there was no rain, I went down to play volleyball with the group. We got all of that going, and had played one full game and were in the second game when some raindrops started to come down. We continued to play, and before anybody realized anything we had a downpour. It was coming down hard. You couldn't look up and see the ball coming through very well because of all the rain in your face, but we continued to play until we were called back up to go inside the cabin. We were all drenched.

There was a brief fireside meeting in the cabin. My dad told about the various events that had happened in his family and then each of my aunts did the same. They then all had a chance to bear their testimonies along with their spouses. It did end in a spiritual manner. Of course, now the sun came out. We had decided to leave.

When we came down from there, we went to the Wachs house briefly so we could pick up Lizzy. We then went on home.

Today is Fathers Day. We had decided that we weren't going to church because of the Swine Flu epidemic that has been going on in our neighborhood. We feel that both my wife and I (mostly me) are high risk if we catch this flu. So, I got to sleep in. My wife made me a wonderful breakfast of stuffed French Toast and some turkey bacon. It was quite enjoyable. I then was just kind of lazy around the house, and read the paper.

Around 2:30 we headed out for the Wach house. We grabbed some steaks and some salad fixings and went over. My wife, along with Pam and Anne were busy putting together salads, and cheeseballs (one that she said she had forgotten the cheese on) and other things while we all visited. I helped a little bit with the grill when that time came up. The steaks were good.

We then went to my parents house briefly to give that gift to dad and then went back to the Wachs. My wife and I then took Margaret to a viewing of a niece through marriage, and it was kind of sad because she was only 27 years old. While we were there, another viewing was going on and there were a lot of people there. As I looked around, I saw ankle length dresses and sleeves covering their whole arms. They also had their hair in buns. Not surprisingly, the name of the deceased in that case was Barlow (a well known polygamous family).

We went back home and found out that Rod had come up all dressed ready to go to the viewing that we had assumed he had fallen asleep and really didn't seem like he wanted to go. We felt a bit bad that we hadn't checked on him before we went.

Anyway, that's what's going on in my life currently. Kind of a busy weekend.


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