Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Not a lot has happened since I last wrote here. We are being bombarded by rain, and it is driving me crazy. This is not normal Utah weather (especially in June). It has rained every day for the entire week, and some of the rainstorms have been quite big. On the plus side, I have been able to turn off my sprinklers for the week and am saving a few dollars for the watering. The air conditioning also hasn't had to happen so there is more there. But, we did have to turn on the heat for a day or two (my wife gets cold).

Tuesday was a day that some of my nieces and nephews came over and took our son and daughter to see the new temple that is practically next door to us. Oran (from North Carolina) was with them. They seem to have enjoyed going to the temple, though my accident prone daughter thought there was a door in the tent that would open automatically, and when it didn't she ran into it. I don't know what to do with my kids.

My wife left for the day to spend a day with her good friend Ann. Ann is the one who brought my wife out of her inactivity in the church and turned her life around. They were able to go to lunch and then my wife went with her to be with some of the women in her ward to bake some things. My wife really enjoyed that, and I think she had a great day.

After the kids got done with the temple thing, they dropped off my kids plus Oran. Our daughter went to her friends house, and Oran and Travis just hung around at our home. I was a bit late home from work because of a meeting that I had that went over time. I am on a committee to try to find out what programs work should and should not support on peoples PC's at work. Anyway, I got home with pizzas and my son and Oran were looking at what movie they could watch online. It turns out that my speakers are not good enough, so they really didn't do that. My wife came home after I had cooked a pizza. Our daughter said she was fine with cold pizza.

Time went on. Our daughter decided that she wanted to go to Young Women with Kiera. I told her no originally because the reason ours was cancelled was because of swine flu which is still hitting to close to home. We changed that when she informed us that she would be going to Kieras instructors house for it. We brought her home to have some pizza and took her right back. After all of that, I went to the store to pick up a few items so we could have lunch and breakfast available for Oran and the rest of the family. My wife thought it kind of humorous (and kind of not) that Oran didn't end up eating the Lucky Charms type cereal that I picked up. She hates for us to have sugar cereal for our kids, and guess which one they picked.

We watched Forever Strong on a DVD that I had ordered from Netflix. I had already watched it online, but wanted for my family to see it (our daughter watched it today). Oran said that he hadn't even heard of this movie in North Carolina, but had watched it while he was here and this was his second viewing. He said that he had wanted to watch it again, and would probably be purchasing it at home. It is based on a true story about a Rugby player for a local school (Highland High) in my area.

We set up a cot for Oran in Travis room and all went to bed. Well, my wife and I talked with Oran till about midnight that night as we don't get to see him that often.

Not a lot went on today (other than more rain). At work I was busy with some problems but that is what keeps me in a job. Anyway, that's about it.


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