Thursday, June 11, 2009

Swine Flu

I know it's kind of late, but there has been a new flu virus going around the world the is called the swine flu. It is the H1N1 virus, and is something that can be passed between pigs and humans, and from what I've heard even birds. It has been a bit scary because there are no vaccinations against it, and right now, though it is mild, they know it will mutate and probably get worse. It seems to have originated in Mexico City, and there have been some deaths down there, but there have also been a few deaths (not too many) in the United States. Why am I writing this down now? It is because tonight, my daughter told me that the Walker twins have the swine flu. I will have to check that out to make sure it's accurate, but, it is not good that it is in my neighborhood and these two I deal with in the Scouting program as well as in the Deacons quorum. So, I have been exposed (note: I talked with one of them on 6/12 and verified it. He told me that the tests had not been done but since theirs is the type A this late in the season the doctor said that it is a 99% chance that it is the swine flu). Well, that's just grand. One more thing to have to worry about. I usually don't fall ill even when others around me are, so I am hoping that this will be the case with this one. I also hope that nobody in my family gets this. It is a bit close to home though. We should also make sure that all the boys that are with these guys is aware of this so parents can take the appropriate precautions.

Well, our daughter has continued to go to EFY and seems to be enjoying it. Tonight she said that today was the funnest day and it was that way because of the Spirit. It was also the most spiritual day so far. Yesterday, I guess she got carried (an object lesson) by a boy that she finds to be quite attractive. Her counselor (Nannette) said that her face was just a glowing and that you should've seen her face. It scares me a bit that my daughter is so boy crazy, but that is the way it is. I just need to make sure her energies are put in the correct ways. She is a mere child of 15. I have not had to deal with this type of stuff with our son. I am glad that she is enjoying her time there though. We pick her up nightly.

My son has mostly been home. He has been working on flat tires and a few other things. He also went with my wife today and ended up helping his grandpa with his yard and made a few bucks doing so. Tonight, my wife went to a baby shower for Shannon and I stayed home. I watched Forever Strong (which was a good movie) and then picked up our daughter and Cambry. My wife made it home in the time that I was gone.

We have had a ton of rain, so I have been able to turn off the sprinkling system for a bit. We have gotten too much and there are homes that are flooding in various parts of the Salt Lake Valley. Today there was standing water on the freeway which makes for some standing traffic.

Well, that's about it.


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