Thursday, May 28, 2009

Concerts and Things

Last night, my wife and I were able to go to a concert with our son. He went to the University of Utah by bus and was able to play in the Libby Gardner Concert Hall. It is an acoustically sound concert hall. So, we were able to hear Bingham High Schools Choir as well as the Wind Symphony Band and then the orchestra. It was all really good. It cost us $5 each to get in there. The school said they would get the students there by bus, but then they students needed to find their own way home. My son says this was the way to get the parents to come to the event. He very well could be correct.

Tonight, my wife did a Linda's hair and Janine. But before all of that she had to get our kids over to the church so they could go to a practice for the Churches Day of Celebration for the Oquirrh and Draper temples. My son called me at work to make sure if he was supposed to be to the church at 3:00. His ride didn't come. I called Glen and he called his son to find out where they were. I guess there were some problems getting them there. They did finally get there about 3:50. It was a full dress performance tonight. Our son got fired from his job of holding a building up (with a slight dance) because he didn't show up for a practice. Instead he is on the stage crew. This is a better fit for him as he doesn't like to be seen, and he is enjoying being able to go to places in the Conference Center that the regular people don't get to go. Our kids didn't arrive home from all of that until about 11:00 tonight. This was a bit scary for us. We would prefer our kids to be home before that on a school night. But, what can you do? It is the church after all.We just absolutely hate all of this. We will be glad when this is all over this Saturday.


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