Sunday, May 17, 2009

Fathers and Sons

Well, almost a week has gone by since I last wrote. For most of the week, not too much has happened. I should still write here because by the time this long has gone by, I forget the mundane things of my life. Such is the life.

Of course, for now, I don't have young men and young women, and it has been nice to be able to sit with my wife on those Tuesday evenings.

The first thing that I can think of that happened was Wednesday evening when my family went out to Pam and Anne's house because Anne had asked for a priesthood blessing. For some unknown reason she doesn't want to ask her father or brothers for this priesthood blessing. I suspect that it has something to do with her being gay, and some of the feelings that have been expressed about that in times gone past. I suspect that she is afraid of what her father may say in the blessing, regardless, she is a child of God and deserving of every respect because of that alone. Add to that, she is just a good woman doing what she believes to be right and true to herself and to others.

Anyway, we showed up at their house and they had a pizza from Costco that we all shared in. It was after that that I gave her the promised blessing. She was concerned because of the surgery that would be taking place on Thursday on her back to take care of some of the problems there. I hope my blessing was a comfort to her. We stayed for awhile and visited. We were also able to get some pictures off of their computer that I have been waiting for. They are pictures of our daughter and son that she took for my fathers day almost a year ago now. Some of them are quite nice, though I need to look at them for some detail. Mom will probably want some of them as well. We promised her one of our son quite awhile ago.

Not too much went on Thursday. We didn't hear anything about the surgery so it was assumed that all went well (which it did) and we just had an evening at home. Our daughter had some dance practice that night, and that was it.

Originally, I wasn't going to be going to Fathers and Sons on Friday evening, but the Magruders all of a sudden were not coming into town. So, I went with my son out past Grantsville for Fathers and Sons. I had a pretty good time too. It was a bit cold though (I wasn't really prepared for it being as cold as it got).

On our way out to the campsite, we decided to stop in a fast food place before we got there. It seems that about the only fast food place on main street Grantsville was A&W that was in conjunction with a gas station. My son really liked that because he was looking forward to A&W root beer. We get inside the place and are greeted with a whole list of things they are out of including the root beer. I asked if they had cheese for the cheeseburger and they did. It seems that about all they had to eat was corn dogs and hamburgers. We both got a cheeseburger and I asked for onion rings. Oh, by the way, we are out of those too. We didn't see any other place to go, so we ordered and grabbed our stuff and headed on up. We were the second family to arrive at the campsite but a lot came up after us.

We set up camp and then ate. We also helped some others set up their campsites. There were quite a few people who were there, and it was good to see (although not a lot of deacons came up). A little while into it, I was asked by Andrew if I would like some of his pork stew. I had a bowl, and it was delicious. I was real appreciative of it. By now they had the fire going and some of the people were roasting marshmallows. I talked with James (a new convert to the church) and heard his story of his conversation. It was quite interesting. Unfortunately, I believe it was because he was getting close to the church that his wife filed for divorce. We had a good time talking, and then I headed to bed. Like I say, it was cold. I put on long johns and left on my sweatshirt and slept pretty warm with that.

In the morning, my son helped to make the breakfast with the other young men. It was a pretty good breakfast. People pretty much packed up after that and left.

On the way down from the camp, we called Tyler and Shannon. We asked if we could come and see their place. Tyler was going to help a couple move who had had some medical problems and couldn't afford their house anymore. We told them we would help and spent about an hour doing so. Then we went to Tyler's place and saw it and ate a small lunch that his wife (Shannon) had made for us. It was a good small visit. They also seemed glad that somebody (an uncle or aunt) had finally stopped in to see their place. We left, and headed on home.

Our daughter had another practice for dance. We picked her up about a half hour before that ended to head to Pam and Anne's house so we could have dinner and congratulate Zach on his acceptance to Johns Hopkins University. It was a good spaghetti dinner that Pam had made (Anne can't do it now because she is recovering from her operation) and a good visit. My son wanted to stay over because he didn't want to go to church today. He didn't get that opportunity.

This morning was church. Allie wasn't in church, so my wife got to go to Relief Society and then I sat with her in Sunday School. That was a nice change. This evening, I took my son and daughter and went to an Eagle Court of Honor. Craig (my sons best friend) got his Eagle and we were able to visit with a couple of people there. It was good to see the accomplishments of him.

Over the past couple of days my son has been playing with my Netflix account. He can watch any of their instant movies on his PC and he is exploring to see what movies to watch. I have moved all the "R" rated movies so they don't show up on the list, and he just wishes that some movies like Harry Potter were on the list. Overall, I think he will enjoy that part of this package, though I am seeing reasons that I probably should be on the two DVD's at a time list. For now, I will stick with the one at a time, because we really shouldn't be watching a ton of DVD's.

Well, that's the week (minus one day).


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