Thursday, April 30, 2009


Well, today is my daughters birthday. She turned 15. We were going to just have a quiet family party, but she seemed kind of bummed out when she realized that nobody else would be invited, so instead, we purchased enough food for my wife's family to come on over. My wife mentioned that it would've almost been cheaper to take them all out to dinner and pay for it instead. But that wouldn't have been as good.

I had a rough day at work. I had a problem with some new code that I had put into place the day before. When I tested it in one process it all worked perfectly, but when I put it all in the proper place it wouldn't work. I know the two places and ways of running are different, but you would never think that it would've acted this differently. I tried all kinds of things to get it to work. I talked with Paul, I worked with Jeff, and then I worked alone trying everything I could think of to get this to work. I thought it was a problem with a semicolon, but couldn't find anything that verified that. My day was coming to an end, and I still wasn't comfortable with what I couldn't find. I knew I could put in the other process for a night, but that certainly would not take care of the problem. I went and talked with Darin. He was confused as to why this wouldn't work as well. I had narrowed it down to the line that wouldn't work, and with Darin we found that we could get it to work with a different part put in there. That suggested the field may have a problem. This wasn't the case though. Darin then asked me the key question. He asked how come a couple of lines were split. The reason they were split was because there is only 80 columns we have to work with on a line, and guess what? the semicolon was in the 81st position on that line. Problem solved, and I had a minute to get it all into place for tomorrows run. I left work on time so I could help my wife out with the family party, and all was good. It was a bit frustrating though.

When I got home, I found that my daughter had cleaned the Den, the bathroom and her room so she could have people come over and sleep over tomorrow night, and my son was vacuuming the Den. My wife was pretty much prepared with the food other than putting it on the burners. I did a couple of things in cleaning up and then was given the chicken to go out and grill it. My wife had marinated it in a raspberry vinaigrette, all day and I just had to plop it on the grill and cook for about 20 minutes. We got the chicken out soon after Pam, Zach, Grandma, Grandpa and Melanie came over. The timing couldn't have been better. We put a little bit of a Raspberry Chipotle sauce over the chicken and let it sit for a little bit longer. My wife had also made a salad, green beans, corn and rolls to go along with it. All in all, it was a great meal. Everybody liked it.

While I was cleaning off the grill a little bit (I keep mine somewhat clean) Anne and Kiki came. They had their meal and then gifts were ready to be opened up. She got some clothes that Kiki had picked out, so they were cute and of the latest style. She also got some cocoa puffs (a joke gift from grandpa) and some perfume stuff as well as some lotion. All the women went gaga over the lotion. My wife and I were excited for her to see our gift to her for a good week or longer. My wife had wrapped it in a shoebox. Basically, a whole bunch of tissue and then the envelope in the bottom. In the envelope were two tickets to the Taylor Swift concert coming to the Energy Solutions arena (the old Delta Center). Two tickets to the Suite of my work. At first she looked at the tickets questioning, and then started to shake and said, "Oh my gosh, Taylor Swift!". It was fun watching her and the excitement that exuberated from her. She called her friend to see if she could go to the concert and from what I am hearing got a good screaming in the ear. One thing that was kind of funny, is that she turned to my wife and I and asked which of us would have to go with her. It was fun to tell her that she was going on her own with a (girl)friend.

We had cake and ice cream. The cake was quite rich that my wife had made, and I think all enjoyed it. One thing that I found funny is that everybody then was trying to get around my sons little netbook computer system to watch Susan Boyle and a few other singers that were on Britain's got talent. The reason I found that to be funny is that while I was on the Scout camp my wife had gone to see my sister-in-law last week and noted that everybody was gathering around electronic devices and they were taking over. She feels that we are learning to not associate with each other and that this will be the downfall of our society. I pointed that out to her later and she thought that it was humorous as well. We are in a society that has too much. As a matter of fact, my daughter put on her facebook page that she had received the Taylor Swift concert tickets soon after it happened (while the party was still going on).

Well, everybody left, and we had some clean up to do. It was a good night and I think all enjoyed it. Now we have phase II of her birthday tomorrow night.


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