Sunday, March 29, 2009

It's been another week. Time flies by when you're getting old. Unfortunately, so does the memory. So, I probably won't remember enough to even put in here for the week.

I had a family home evening (actually just family games) planned for last Monday evening, but my son had a migraine and it was just better to let it go. Tuesday evening, my daughter went over to the ward house to practice some dancing for the temple youth stuff that is happening. That will be in place of our regular activities. My son refused to go because he isn't going to sing at all in this thing. He wants nothing to do with it (of course this is fitting into his personality from years gone past). I sometimes wonder how far to push it. I traded Glen Tuesday evening for Thursday evening. That is, he would get there and pass off a few merit badges and do Scout Master interviews before the stake thing on Tuesday, and I would do the same on Thursday. Then, it ended up that I didn't have to do it on Thursday evening because it all got canceled. It was too bad our son was home on Tuesday night because that would've been a perfect time for my wife and I to be alone, but that's the way things go sometimes.

Nothing of note happened on Wednesday evening nor Thursday evening. I did get our SUV in to have the safety and emissions done on it. It passed, so now I have to register it by the end of the month. Friday, I had the day off. So did the kids. My wife and I went to take care of a couple of things for our sons Eagle Court of Honor and then basically didn't do a whole lot. It was a relaxing day for me. Saturday, my wife and I did more of the same, running to Costco and a few other places so we could get cakes ordered and a few items to help display things of our son for all to see. The place has been changed from the gym to the Relief Society room because of this stake thing. It also means that we won't have the younger Scouts in order to have the flag ceremony that I was hoping for. Things seem to be falling apart a bit, and there isn't a whole lot we can do about it.

My daughters friend (Kiera) and her mother were able to score some tickets to the Conference Center for the General Young Womens Conference for Saturday night, so they invited my daughter and my wife. That was a last minute thing, but my wife jumped at the chance to be there. And, it was quite enjoyable to her to have that. I took my son out to the store and we got some frozen Orange Chicken and put it with some rice and vegetables for dinner. It actually turned out better than going out and buying dinner from any other restaurant. I was also able to get those Rotisserie Chickens for half price so I got three and skinned them shredded them and put them in the freezer for later meals that are done on the cheap. I like it when I get these kind of deals.

My wife and daughter got home from their conference and dinner at around 9:30 in the evening. They had a splendid time. I took care of the laundry while they were gone while I watched a movie called "Rocker". It was an OK movie, but wasn't great. It at least was one of those brain dead movies that you don't really have to think about.

Sunday came along, and I didn't realize that it was Fast Sunday. We didn't fast. We did get to church, and my wife and I were able to go to Sunday School (she was able to get to Relief Society too) because her student wasn't there. I know my wife kind of enjoys it when she can get into those classes. During Sunday School I had to take care of some recording of Duty to God for each of the boys that turned in their stuff to me. I participated though for the last half of class.

I took my wife home from church before Sacrament Meeting because she was having problems with her back and neck. She really worries me with these things going wrong for her. There really isn't anything I can do about it though. Fast and Testimony was good once again. At around 6:00 tonight I went to the bishops house with my two kids and we had a fireside over there. The bishop went through the first 17 chapters of the Book of Mormon for his text and really did a good job of it. He did have us create a boat first out of paper that could hold a penny and go across a bath tub full of water. I saw that my daughter came up with the sail boat that I make and my son was copying me as I was creating mine. The only other person that I saw that did this was Glen. Anyway we had some refreshments and then went home.

Tonight we also had some root beer floats. We had bribed our son that if he went to the fireside he could have both the ice cream at the bishops house as well as a root beer float at our house. I was on day 21 of no soda pop (work is having this challenge to not have soda pop or energy drinks for a total of 45 days that stared on March 9th through April 30th) and broke it with this root beer float. At least I have some lee way on the days for work, so it shouldn't hurt me on the challenge. I am still without any caffeine for those days and that is pretty darn good (I was drinking one diet coke per day on average before).

Well, that's about it.


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