Thursday, February 19, 2009

A couple of Thoughts

I know it's hard to believe that I have thoughts, but I do have one or two.

First of all, I am going to mention that last night we all went to a concert that was a combined concert which involved both of our children. Bingham High had what they called a "Monster" concert. It was Bingham High with the South Jordan Middle School and Elk Ridge Middle School. This concert was done in an effort to get to know the 9th graders and get them ready for band at the high school. With all the changes going on currently, they are afraid they will not get enough members into the band. First of all, there is the Herriman high that is being built and then add to that the split up of the Jordan School District. I certainly hope the band program doesn't go down as a casualty. For my own personal family, we need three more years of a good program. But even then, it shouldn't go down in flames. The state legislature isn't making any of this easy either. They seem to be messing with the arts programs in the schools which will be a huge mistake.

Anyway, the concert was quite enjoyable. We listened to a couple of songs from South Jordan Middle School, then a couple of songs from Elk Ridge Middle School. Both of these bands did quite well and my wife and I were impressed. My daughters school band has improved from Christmas time even. That was good to see. Finally, there were a couple of songs played by Bingham High School. Then to end it out they brought up the other two schools with the Bingham High Band. It took them a long time to get situated because they have never practiced with each other, but they played quite well. I was impressed with my daughter and my son for their performances in this combined band. My son had to go back to school again tonight to play for another group.

Well, I titled this a couple of thoughts. Today I was reading a book called "We Plan, God Laughs" written by a rabbi minister named Sherre Hirsch. Near the end of the book she writes about Moses asking God His name. She then writes that Gods response was. "Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh" or "I will be what I will be". In the King James version this is, I Am that I Am. I found this intersting because my own religion believes that God continues to move on. She says that Moses knew that God doesn't stay put, that He moves on. God sees himself as a work in progress. She then compares us to God saying that we too are works in progress. Then she says that the Torah teaches us "For a person to be like God, he must be a partner in the act of creation". She talks about each day we work with God our position shifts.

I was thinking that this fits in very comfortably with my own LDS beliefs. It was refreshing to see this coming from somebody who studies the Old time religion. Another point of interest was when she discussed that doubt and faith are not in opposition to each other, but rather doubt is a component of faith. She used examples of Moses doubting as well as another prophet (I think she said Gideon). This didn't make them any less of prophets, but they did not lose faith through doubt. Another person we can point to is doubting Thomas. Thomas waited until he saw the Lord and Savior resurrected, but once he did, his faith was enhanced. Well, that is the real reason I decided to write anything tonight. Just a couple of insights.


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