Monday, January 12, 2009

Ryan Farewell

There hasn't been too much that has happened this weekend. We just did the regular things around the home and I went to work. There wasn't any snow to speak of. I will mention that the snowplows have not been servicing my neighborhood properly. When you drive your car down my street you are in danger of taking out your oil pan. The roads are that rough. They have been packed with snow in some areas and melted away in other areas. It is like riding on a mountain road that has not had much maintenance. A lot of the neighbors have been complaining but it is to no avail. I don't know what is going on there.

Anyway, Saturday morning we had the kids do their regular chores and then our daughter went to her friends house. She called a bit later asking if she could go sledding. I gave my permission. We didn't want our son to just hang around the house (which he was doing) so we told him he could take the analog converter box for Grandmas TV and go install it for them. We are told that those of us that are getting analog signals for our TV's won't have that available after February 17th. They may be changing that date because the government has run out of coupons that make the $50 boxes about $10. It will be interesting to see if they change that. Our son was only too happy to comply. Meanwhile, at home, we were doing laundry and various other things. In the evening we were wondering if we should have our son come home at night (we really didn't want him to do too much night driving) or just have him stay at his grandmas house and come home in the morning. Of course, he elected to do that. Our daughter was put out that he got to stay at Grandmas house.

Sunday came around. My son made it home in plenty of time, and we got ready for church. Of course it was a bit later since it was Ryan's farewell. We just had to be to their Bountiful ward by 1:00. We played around with the dog and enjoyed being together and then headed out. We were a bit early to the ward and just went into the chapel and sat down. Most of our family was early, so we were able to visit for a bit.

After a couple of youth speakers, Ryan got up to give his talk. He did a much better job than I thought he would do. He was enjoyable to listen too and we could actually hear because we didn't have about a million kids screaming for their mothers attention like we do in our home ward. That made it even nicer. The last speaker there was Ryan's priest quorum advisor. He told us a bit about Ryan and said that they had put into their quorum for Ryan to give the weather report at the beginning of every Sunday lesson. This was a good way to involve Ryan since he is extremely interested in meteorology. I just thought it was of interest that they would do something like that. It just shows that we need to try to involve everybody in any way possible.

Afterward, we went to Ryan's house and had some lunch and visited with some of the other family members. We had an enjoyable time of it.

We arrived home, and then relaxed around the house for the rest of the evening. Glen came over to get the blue card that we had received from the Boy Scouts for our sons Eagle stuff. He was going to go and get what was needed for the three Eagle Scouts in our ward. We discussed mentor pins a little bit and need to find out if we can find Mrs Evans who was our sons 6th grade teacher. There are also a couple of more people in our ward that we think are deserving of these pins, but we will have to work with our son on that.

Well, that's about it.


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