Monday, December 08, 2008

More Wal mart stuff

I had to deal with Walmart again today. When I looked on my VISA card at the Bank I saw that some more money got put in from Walmart. It is that same gift for my son that is the problem. Now, on the Visa Card, I have bought it twice and returned it three times. I called Kenna at Walmart and told her of the problem. She hemmed and hawed and then told me that I needed to come in now to pay them some money. I asked her why they couldn't do it on the card itself, since that is where the problem was.

She did say that she would try to get it fixed. I had to give her the last four digits of the card. Then, just like the last time, she called and asked for the other twelve digits. When I was giving her all of these numbers she would mangle them and we had to redo it. This was quite frustrating to me, but we finally got all of that done. She then asked for the security digits on the back of the card. I gave her those as well. Then, it took a long time before she called me back. She told me that there was such and such a message (I don't remember exactly) and when I asked what that meant, she told me that it meant there wasn't room on my card to put the amount on. I told her that was impossible. She said she would try again.

While Kenna was trying, I gave my credit union a call. I asked if there was anything they had done to stop something like this. The woman I talked too told me that the CU hadn't done anything, but then went to look at VISA. She told me that she saw the VISA trying to go through, but they had a bad security code. She told me what they were doing, and once again (just like when I gave the other numbers) there was some transposing going on. That was maddening. I hung up from her, and immediately had another call coming in from Kenna. They, of course, were still failing what they were doing. I told her the problem. She told me she would call me back again. When she called back she blamed the transposing on the person doing the register, and she caught her doing it again. Anyway, I was told that it was all taken care of. This exchange to save $25 was hardly worth all the pains I have gone through. It should've been simple, but it wasn't. I guess this is what I get for trying to be honest about the whole thing.

When I got home, I read a story that my wife had told me about. It is about a couple of friends who have started their own business as a country grocery store. When my wife asked me a question about something I had said, I used some of the paper to quote what it had said. My wife didn't like this, and absolutely hates it when I read things to her. She got mad at me. Anyway, I went to play Mario Kart as I was frustrated. That didn't help things. I didn't know that she had left the house to go do some shopping. I asked the kids if there was a game they wanted to play as a family. When I went to our room to get my wife I found that she was gone. I called her and she didn't want to come home yet. The rest of us played Clue together for awhile tonight. We had fun with that too.

My wife came home, and things were all right, but she still needed her space. I needed mine as well.

One thing that I didn't mention yesterday, but meant too was something that happened in Fast and Testimony meeting. The meeting was moving along just like they normally do, when a man got up to speak that I didn't recognize. I think he said his name was Jack (I could be wrong). Anyway, he was visiting one of the families in our ward who are his friends. Evidently he has come to our ward a few times. He has now decided that he is an investigator. He kind of joked around a little bit about that while bearing his testimony. It was actually quite strong. He mentioned that he probably asks too many questions in Gospel Doctrine, and then told us that he had bought "Preach My Gospel" from Deseret Industries (I think he meant the distribution center). He wants to know what the missionaries will be teaching him before they do. He also asked us to pray for him as he comes from an Evangelical perspective and was a minister at one time. His wife and daughters don't like the direction his life is taking right now. So, say your prayers for me. In closing he said that he knew that Thomas Monson is a prophet and he has come to believe that Joseph Smith did indeed have a vision. He didn't close his remarks in the usual LDS way, but said Thank You instead. It was one of the best testimonies of the entire meeting. I don't know if he realizes how great his testimony is.

The last testimony was a young girl in the ward. She didn't bear a testimony as much as she thanked some of the Young Women who had stood by her despite her despondency. She has been struggling through her parents divorce, and though she didn't say it, I believe she has also struggled through her mothers remarriage (how could she not?). Anyway, I appreciated what she said to the congregation as well.


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