Sunday, November 02, 2008

Cardiologist - Eagle Board of Review

I'm still not great at writing here. A little bit has happened that I need to write about, so here I am writing.

Last Tuesday, for Young Men, our 12-13 year old boys met at the Thornes house with the 12-13 year old girls. They were there to make a dinner. I have to say, it didn't turn out that badly. We had three groups of 4-5 people to make the dinner.

The appetizer was cinnamon stacks, the dinner was chicken Alfredo pasta, and the dessert was brownies. Each of these turned out to be quite tasty (though the appetizers didn't come out until almost everything else was cooked. Everything was quite edible, and enjoyable. I dare say though that it wasn't exactly heart friendly.

Since we had my sons concert to go to Thursday evening (his birthday) we went out to dinner to celebrate his birthday. We went to the Golden Corral, and had a good evening. We also stopped off at a couple of stores on the way home to look at certain Halloween decorations, but didn't end up getting anything. We gave him Mario Kart for the Wii, and that has been a good game to give him. I have also enjoyed playing that one.

Of course, Thursday evening was the concert. My wife and I were asked to be ushers there so had to get there early. Our son had driven there on his own, and then we showed up. With the ushering, you just don't let anybody come in and discourage them from going out while the bands/orchestras are playing. This doesn't make one real popular with some of the people, but it is proper etiquette. My wife was tired, and I told her to go home after our sons performance and I would finish out the evening and catch a ride home with him. That worked out great.

Friday was Halloween. I only worked in the morning. There was soup provided to us by our company and then I worked for a little bit more. I then had to leave to get to my cardiologist to see about the stress test from last week. As expected, it was good news. My blood has been flowing the way it was expected too and, my health seems to be relatively good. My cholesterol is looking good as well since I am taking drugs to effect that. The one thing that has me concerned is that my blood pressure is a little bit high. The cardiologist told me that my heart attack would've happened almost no matter what I had done as long as I wasn't a vegetarian. He also said that I seemed to be doing the right things.

Anyway, I headed home after running an errand or two. My wife had been making stew for us to eat for our dinner and then we had a couple of our daughters friends over for a Halloween Party. It really wasn't a party. It was more that the girls got together so they good giggle and then watch a movie in our home. We had offered the same for our son and his friends, but that bombed out. We turned our lights off at our house around 9:00 in the evening, and then after taking home our daughters friends we watched The Haunting so we could have one good scary movie for the evening. The movie we watched was a little scary, but nothing really.

Saturday morning, as a family, we went to the church to do our duty as far as cleaning our section of the church. We were there with the Thorne family. That took about an hour. I also headed out to get a couple of things that we needed for our home and then I had to take care of some of those things. I bought some faucet covers for our outside faucets to make sure they don't freeze up and break, and I bought some things for the hot water pipes downstairs. Hopefully, this will help us on our hot water bill (I haven't yet put those on).

My wife's big complaint has been our window in our door. People can see into the house too easily, so she wanted something to help that out. I bought a film for that and put it on. I then started to caulk around our windows. That still needs to be finished. I got our sons room and our daughters room. I'll have to do more as I get some time to do it. It was a pretty busy day for me. My wife and daughter went to a shower for my niece (Tia) and came home around 6:00 in the evening.

Today was a rainy day (not too bad though) and it was a bit colder than we have had. Of course, there is all the church stuff that we have to do, and then my son and I had to meet with the Elders Quorum for PPI's. I arranged for that to be right after church was over. At 2:00 I was supposed to go to a presidency meeting, but when I did that, I found that the president had cancelled that meeting. I just wish I would've been called and not wasted the time to go over there.

At 4:00 was our sons board of review for his Eagle. We didn't know that they preferred to have us there, and as per our sons wishes, we didn't show up. He really didn't want us there at all. I knew that parents are not required to be there because of some of the scout things I have gone too, but I didn't know that at least our own troop desires them to be there. We got a call from Brother Bean to come on over to the church. We hurried and got on appropriate clothes and then went to meet in the bishops office.

The Board of review started with a prayer. Then there was a little bit of discussion and they had Bill Ashton tell a few words about our son. Then, my wife got too and then it was my turn. By the time it got to me, everything had pretty much been said. I added my two cents worth, and then they asked our son to tell some of his favorite things in Scouting. He mentioned that the biking merit badge was quite fun and camping. Both of these had to do with spending time with his friends. That was all he said. I was glad that Brother Bean mentioned that he also didn't do much talking at that age. I think it put our son a little more at ease. My wife and I (along with Bill) then left and they gave a review to our son. He then came out while there was some discussion going on in the bishops office. We were brought back in and told the good news that it is all done. Now, it just has to go to the National board and we just have to wait to get a card back saying it is over. Our son is an Eagle Scout, effective today. That should be a huge sigh of relief for him.

We discussed briefly that we may try to do his court of honor after a regular court of honor and do it with Josh Gustavos, and possibly Sanford. They would really have to hurry up with his stuff to get it there though. It could happen. We don't even know if we will get the paperwork back in time for a December 2nd date on that or not. Time will tell.

Well, that's the week.


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