Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Not too much has happened this past week to write about. My life must be basically boring. We are still working with our son to finish up the paperwork for his Eagle. I had a blowout with him on Sunday over that. He just needed a Scoutmaster interview (which he completed tonight) and then a few signatures. That's it. He can then wait until a board of review takes place.

On Friday, I had the day off of work. I spent some good time with my wife and we had a nice lunch at Chilies. It was enjoyable. I also had to get ready for the Scout camp for that night. I put all of my stuff together, and then when it was about time to go, was told that my daughter needed a few things so she could work on a solar oven for her school project. I hurried and got that. Glen (Thorne) called me up and was wondering if I knew where the Scout Trailer was. It ended up that it was in the garage of the person keeping it.

At 4:00 Friday, I met up with all the Scouts at Glens house. The boys had decided on eating Little Caesars Pizza for dinner so we decided to eat at Glens house rather than hauling the extra stuff in. After that, we drove the short distance to the South Jordan Equestrian Park. We had to park and then walk quite a long distance to our campground. I knew about this so brought a little handcart (one that is used by old ladies walking home from a grocery store with a bag of groceries) to carry my battery on for the CPAP machine. I was grateful for that, and it only took me two trips from the car to get my gear to where we needed it. It was still heavy. Our district (The Pony Express District) had a lot of people show up at the Jamborall. There wasn't a piece of real estate left for us to be able to set up. We tried to get into another area that had very few people there and were refused. We did get one to finally let us in. The boys decided against bringing in the tents as they were too heavy for the long trek. I got my tent all to myself since Glen had brought his son. I used one of the new cots that we had purchased (it was easier to carry) and it worked out pretty well for me.

The activity of the night was going around and getting pins for an Eagle patch that we all had. You have to trade your pieces for all the other pieces to the puzzle. I got that done after a while. I had a late start because I was setting up my tent.

That night we had a program. There was a band that I didn't think was very good. But then, they had Jon Schmidt play for us. That part was quite enjoyable. There were then fireworks. The fireworks were pretty impressive. I didn't think the Scouts would be able to do so well with that kind of thing. Well, with 3000 scouts, we knew it would be noisy, so I was grateful for my earplugs. The only thing I forgot to bring was a pillow. At 11:00 I put in those earplugs and if it hadn't been for the CPAP machine I would've been snoring. Whoever was on the backside of my tent snored though (I took out the earplugs around 3:00 AM). I woke up around 5:30 and went for a quick walk and then started to put things away in my tent. At 6:30 I started to take my tent down so it wouldn't be a problem later. I got it all down in pretty good time.

About 8:00 AM there was a flag walk. Any troops with flags made a procession and paraded around the whole area and over to the arena. We then had a couple of talks and then were released so the boys could play some of the "district games". Our boys didn't like them too well, so we decided we could leave after we ate lunch at 11:00 AM. It was a quick easy camp and the boys got one of the nights that they need for their camping merit badge.

After arriving home, my wife had me go check out our porch which Keith came over and fixed up the things we had asked him too. It looked good, and I'm glad that we have it all done.

Sunday was stake conference. I woke up with a headache and then we just didn't make it to the meetings. I think my kids liked that. We really didn't do much else on Sunday.

Tonight for Young Men/Young Women, we had a dinner from Panda Express. We then went to the movie Kung Fu Panda. It was kinda fun. Well, that's about it for the week.


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