Wednesday, September 10, 2008


It's been another week. Still, not much is going on. Keith finished our porch. I immediately noticed one thing that he had done and asked him about it. He said that it had been hard to get it exactly right and he ended up putting in an extra piece that is about 1/4 inch thick to correct it. It is sound, but we didn't know if we liked it. We had to order another piece from Lowes to finish one little piece. I returned what we hadn't used and bought one more 12 foot length of facing in TREX (we were only short about 6 or 8 inches). To do it right we needed 40 inches, so I was hoping for a smaller board that that. The thing cost $70. I picked that up tonight.

I was able to talk with Keith tonight about coming over to finish it out. I mentioned that one piece that we tried to see if we could live with and decided ultimately that we could only if we absolutely had too. Keith thinks we can fix it up. He will give me a call tomorrow about a time he can come over to do some work. It is getting dark earlier now, so he needs to get it done as soon as possible. The porch does look good. We just need to have these couple of fixes. We were also concerned in some splits in the risers. Keith said he tried to break them over his leg and couldn't, so we should be OK.

There really isn't much else to say about this week. It has been a pretty boring week. We just mostly did more of the same.


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