Monday, August 18, 2008

Who is the Master?

Work has kept me busy with a few fixes to a few different things. But, that is not what I am going to write about. Really, there isn't a lot to write about, but there are a few things that I want to say.

Lizzy is still digging her way into our hearts (as if she hadn't already). She is a fun loving dog and very playful. It is good to see her this way after having that surgery. She likes to bite toes and fingers (playfully) and runs all around people. It is dizzying, which is partially why the name Lizzy fits her. We are having a tough time getting her to go outside in order to do her business. She has had a number of accidents in our home, so we seem to have baking soda in various places on our carpet currently. We did get her some dog treats and give her those when she does her business outside, and for awhile it looked like she realized that because she would go every time she went outside. So, who really is the master here?

When we went to church on Sunday, we put her behind a gate in an enclosed area to avoid problems of where she may go. When we arrived home, we found out that she can jump the baby gate in order to take a crap on the carpet. She is just like a newborn child in a lot of ways. It is rewarding to take care of her, but she does require a lot of care (and love). She is getting plenty of that love in our house. She comes to each of us so we can pick her up and pet her and love her, and then when she is sick of us, she moves to the next (or to just lie down). Once again, who is the master here?

There really isn't anything more to say. So, I'll quit saying nothing.


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