Sunday, August 10, 2008

New Dog - Lizzy

I'm putting more here than just about our new dog, but then a lot of it will be about this cute new addition to our family.

Last Monday, I was looking into who had dogs at the various shelters around town. I had talked to the West Jordan department and sent my wife and kids out to look at the dogs that were there. My wife really liked two particular dogs. One of them was a Springer (which didn't fit our idea of hypo-allergenic). She said that dog was so cute that tears sprung up in her eyes as she knew she had to leave him behind. He was just a pup and had those doggy eyes. She did leave him there though. I told her that I was going to drop into the Salt Lake County shelter as well as the Humane Society (if I had time) and then I would go out and look at the dogs in West Jordan. After work I went to the Salt Lake County shelter and saw three dogs that fit our criteria. There was one that I liked the best, and when I went to check up on the three of them she was the only one that didn't have an appointment for adoption. I called up my wife and had her and the kids come to the shelter. While I was waiting for them, I asked to be able to spend a little bit of time with the dog. She is a black Maltese (I know that Maltese are white, but she seems to be a black one). She is about two years old. She immediately came over to me and I picked her up and put her to my face to see if I would get allergies. They didn't seem to come. I then put her down and she went to try and get petted by the worker there. He pet her and then she came back to me and as soon as I started to pet her, she went down on her back so I could scratch her belly. When I stopped doing this she kind of wiggled toward me with a look in her eyes that said, "Why did you stop?" I did this a little bit more and then we took her back to her cage. I waited for my wife and kids.

Once they got to the shelter, we had the dog brought into the room with us again. She ran to each of the kids and to my wife and got herself into each of our hearts. When one would put her down, she would run to the next. Of particular interest to me was our son. I didn't think he would get so close to a dog. He seems to be loving this whole process though. He looks really cute with the dog. I quickly showed my wife one of the other dogs, but there wasn't enough interest to take her in and look at her. My wife told me to make an appointment to adopt this dog. We went out to dinner at Marie Calendars.

This dog was brought into the shelter on Friday. In order to adopt, you first need to wait for three business days for the owners to show up. Since it was a Friday, they had five days to get there. We set up the appointment for the earliest we could on Wednesday morning. Tuesday was a bit hard on my wife because she was waiting for a phone call with them telling her they had shown up. Our daughter kept on telling us all Tuesday evening not to forget our appointment. There wasn't much chance of that. Nothing happened on Tuesday so it was all good. I did go with the Scouts to the State Capital for a visit to meet with one of the requirements for Citizenship in the Nation.

Wednesday morning I left work to give me plenty of time to meet with the Salt Lake County shelter. We had to sign three copies of a notice saying that we would take care of the dog and then pay a $95 fee to adopt the dog. This included the spaying, some of the shots and a look over from a veterinarian. It also included a five pound bag of dog food, a squeaky toy, the leash and collar and finally a microchip to be placed in the dog. I thought it to be fairly reasonable. However, they could not get the dog into the vet before Thursday, so we had one more day of waiting in order to get her. When my family arrived home they had named our dog Lizzy. One of my coworkers asked if that was for Elizabeth and I told him that it was more because of "Dizzy Lizzy". They also went out immediately and bought a tag for her as well as a small travel case that will also second as her bed. There was some doggy treats and a brush included in what they bought. This dog is going to be spoiled.

Around 2:00 PM my wife and kids went to pick up our dog from the vets. The spay is done and we added a rabies shot as well as a check for heart worm. We were told that we couldn't get the dog wet for about two weeks while the stitches are healing. This is a bit discouraging because she is dirty from the shelter as well as from the vet. When I arrived home, my wife and kids were out on the front lawn petting and enjoying a subdued pet. You certainly could tell that she was still under the influence of drugs.

Pam came over at around 4:00. Our son went and did baptisms for the dead and Pam said she would just stay for a little while. When our son came home, we got ready to leave for the first part of the Youth Conference for the kids. It was a barbecue at the Dunsanane building. After dinner they played a few games. There was a balloon toss, where my son was trying to grab the balloon that was hucked at him without breaking it and tripped and fell into a small pool of water. He didn't break the balloon though but when he tossed it back, his partner was laughing so hard that he dropped it.

After that, there was volleyball and baseball (where they kick a ball and then run to bases which were pools and a slip and slide for home plate). That was all fun for the kids and only my son got wet. My daughter played volleyball instead.

We arrived home and not only was Pam still there, but Anne had shown up to see the new dog. She is endearing everybody (and she isn't even her playful self). Anne told us about a detangler that they use in the hospital which could help us out with our dog. They stayed till about 10:00 that evening at which time we put the dog in her place and went to bed ourselves.

Friday morning, the kids left for the rest of Youth Conference. They went to a ropes course in Provo and then drove up to Heber city and stayed at a cabin of one of our ward members. There was a fireside that night and then they went to Seven Peaks water park in Provo on Saturday.

My wife stayed home all day with the dog on Friday and then I was able to be with her somewhat on Saturday. Lizzy was still a bit doped up on Friday but by Saturday started to come out of it. We are still being very careful with her and trying to retrain her to go outside and go potty. She has had two accidents in our house, but seems to be holding it now until she is outside. We have been taking her outside on a regular basis. She hasn't cried for that at all. She isn't eating much food though.

Saturday morning, I went with Keith Potts and his son to Lowes. Keith is going to be doing a new TREX back deck for us (not much of a deck but I am calling it that for lack of a better term). Lowes didn't have what we needed so we need to special order all of the material. I was told that it may take up to two weeks to get in. I felt bad for wasting Keiths time. I was told that I would get a 10% discount off my order because of the confusion that was caused with this whole thing. At least that will be good. Keith and Matt played with Lizzy for a little bit when they came back to our house. The kids got home Saturday evening and then I had to get ready (with Meghan) for a dance that night.

I was the chaperone to the Regional dance at our Stake house. I was to be to the church by 7:15 for instructions when the dance started at 7:30. At 7:00, I went with our son to the park for an Elders quorum ice cream social. It was raining so volleyball and playing was out. I hurriedly ate a bowl of homemade peach ice cream that the Nielsons had made and it was delicious. I then headed to the church.

There were basically three stations that we had to take care of at the church. Two of the stations were watching some of the outer doors that nobody would be allowed in or out of and also keep track of the rooms to make sure nobody went into any of the rooms in the church besides the cultural hall. The last station was in the cultural hall just to be a presence so the kids knew we were there. Thankfully our watch of the doors happened relatively early so I was able to spend the rest of the time watching the dance. I enjoyed being there and watching the kids have some good clean entertainment.

Saturday evening, we had a harder time putting our dog to bed. She has a hilarious little whine when she is unhappy. She did finally go to sleep though and so did we.

My wife got up at 6:30 this morning (which is normal) and let Lizzy out. She isn't having any more accidents in the house for which we are grateful. She is starting to run around to various people to pet her and hold her although she will let you know she doesn't want to be held sometimes.

We went to church and none of my wifes two students showed up for primary. She went to Relief Society and I went to Deacons quorum. After that, we cleaned up and headed home to check on Lizzy. She was doing fine. While we were home, our son came home to get some bread for the sacrament (it's a good thing I bought two loaves yesterday).

We went back for Sacrament meeting and soon after coming home headed out to our in-laws home to show off Lizzy. She was quite playful. They have an old dog named Buddy. She kept on play fighting with him while he basically ignored her. What was funny was when she would just be laying there and all of a sudden pounce on Buddy. That gave us a few laughs. We decided that she was kind of like one of the dogs on Charlie Brown that pounces. We were a bit concerned for her stitches though so had to stop it a little bit. Once again, she gained the hearts of all that have seen her.

Well, that's about it. Travis promised to stay up with Lizzy tonight, but instead of her going into her own area she ended up in his bed. I think that was a mistake.


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