Monday, June 16, 2008

Scout Camp - Mormon Miracle Pageant

I had the day off last Friday. In the morning, I mowed the lawn, so I could help my wife out a little bit later. Although I had the day off, I logged in to work to finish up some things that had frustrated me through the week. We had things that just weren't working correctly, and it took hours to reload the table I had to reload. I wiped out that file on Wednesday and it took until Friday to get all the information back to it along with wiping out the system because of the amount of data I was putting through. By noon on Friday that was all fixed.

Anyway, my wife needed to get out and buy a shower gift for Marie (who is getting married soon) that was from both her and her mother. I got her the list of things that were in the registry so she could at least get something that Marie would like. There was an appointment with our sons dermatology doctor, so I was to go to that. As soon as he heard that it was me that was going to be doing this, he was a bit upset. The reason he was upset was because he knew that I would be enforcing that the doctor got a blood test from him because Acutane can ruin the liver. He has gotten away with not having that test done for quite awhile. He thought his mom wouldn't have done it, but I assured him that she would, as we had discussed this. He wasn't too happy with me for that, but got through it all fine.

Our son had gone in with my wife to get his drivers license on Thursday. Since that had been done, I called the insurance on Friday and made sure he was insured. He was a bit worried that it was bad luck to be legal to drive alone on Friday the 13th. I told him that it was actually Thursday the 12th that he was legal to do so. Whatever. We now have another teenager on the roads. Hopefully he will drive as well as he has been when we are in the car with him.

I also had to run a few errands to get ready for the camping trip. I bought some pop tarts for breakfast, along with some slim-fast, and grabbed a couple of sandwiches for dinner. I also looked around for something for my father on Fathers-day. I didn't find anything for that.

At about 4:00 I headed over to Thornes house and then the church so we could go on the Scout Camp. We left by 4:30 which mostly didn't have to deal with traffic jams (we got into somewhat of one around Provo). The trip to Manti was uneventful, except the boys thought the two hour drive was too long. We pulled into a park and started to put our stuff down. We were told by a guy that if we put up a tent we would have to pay $5, but if we just slept out on the grass there was no charge. We went for the no charge feature. We had some dinner, and then I headed over to the Manti temple to get us a spot where we could watch the pageant. After everybody else got there, I went back to camp to get a jacket and a blanket because it would get cold. It was a good thing to bring, and we were still cold even with this extra stuff. The pageant was good, and the anti-Mormons were tamer than I have ever seen them. This made it all the better. We did see Joseph Smiths wives.

We went back to camp and were ready for bed by around midnight. There was a group of people (I think they were Polynesian) that sang until around 2:00 AM. It was a cold night, but with the blanket that I had, I would get hot and then get cold when I opened things up a bit. I did get up at 6:00 AM and wandered around a bit before the rest of the troop got up. We had breakfast and then let the boys play for awhile before heading home.

We told them to bring small things that they could take back packing with them. They all did pretty good with what they brought. It was a good easy trip. Andrew told me he had to throw up so I let him out of the car for a bit hoping that he could do it out there. Thankfully, nothing happened in the car, and they say he only dry heaved a bit.

After arriving home, I found that a pest control guy was at our house. Hopefully, the stuff he's sprayed around doesn't get rid of our kids. Anyway, we got that taken care of and then my wife and daughter headed out to the shower. I grabbed our son and took him to RC Willey for a hot dog. I wanted to talk with him.

While at RC Willey, I talked to him about his gay Aunt. Unfortunately, Zach had already told him this a couple of weeks before I did. That was part of the reason my wife and I decided that we had better tell our kids. I find it much more prejudice to have to introduce somebody as gay as we never do that with somebody who is straight than to not say anything at all. I don't want my kids to judge people by whether or not they are gay or straight. I am ticked off at Zach for telling my kids about this, and making us feel like we had to say anything. We were more than willing to answer any questions from our kids, but this was just ridiculous. I may have to talk with Zach and tell him not to do this anymore. As it sits, my kids are a bit frustrated with Zach. He is driving them a little bit nuts because all he talks about is his education.

Well, we had a good time together and then headed back home. We still didn't find a fathers day gift.

After my wife came home, I told her that I had utterly failed to get a fathers day gift including my idea to get him some card stock that is prefolded in quarters for my dad. He doesn't like the half fold, but that is all anybody has. I still didn't really know what it was that I would be getting him. Later that night, I went and got him some chocolate covered nuts and a chex mix, that we put into containers. He would enjoy that as much as anything else. My wife was upset with me because I put off getting his gift until the last minute, and it seems like I always run into this same problem (the quarter fold problem) every time I decide to get him that.

Yesterday was fathers day. I had to give a lesson. I barely had time to look it over before the class. It was on tithing (as that is what the boys chose for me to teach about). I then went in to my wifes class with the disabled kids. Not much was going on in there. Spencer left at one point and I followed him around. He wanted to be in with the music that was playing on the organ, so we wandered in the chapel since no church services were going on and Sister Morden was practicing. He only ruined one hymn book and it wasn't badly ruined.

Once home, I was given some clothes for Fathers day as well as a couple of cards. We then had a bite to eat and then took naps (all except our son). We finally headed out around 3:00 for my parents. We dropped in on the in-laws in order to drop our dog off. They thought that we had the message of starting dinner at 3:00 and we hadn't. We went to my parents until around 5:00 in the evening when we went back to the in-laws.

We gave some money toward a new barbecue grill for my father-in-law. It looked like a great grill and we got some great food out of it. We then just hung out for a bit. Our kids walked from the in-laws over to my parents house so they could be with their cousins. We picked them up from there a little bit later. It was a good day.

Nothing much happened today, so I'll quit writing for now.


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