Wednesday, March 19, 2008

You've got to be kidding

I am writing here in frustration. My family is getting ready to go on a trip to Disneyland, and here I am passing a kidney stone again. This is getting out of hand. I am frustrated, angry and over all just pissed off. The pain started coming on around 9:00 last night, and I started to see blood in my urine. I immediately started to drink water and for the most part the pain hasn't been unbearable. It has been right next to unbearable though. Right now there is no pain and no pressure. Hopefully, that is the way it will stay. The pain has not been with me since about 11:30 last night. I think I am done, but am not certain of that. My wife thinks I need to stay home from the trip and I think I will be OK, but I can't be sure of that. We will lose the price of the plane tickets but will be able to recoup the price on the actual Disneyland tickets. I have already called and transferred everything to my wifes name. I guess I just had to write here because of frustration and because there isn't anything better to do at the moment.

When I got into work this morning I found that my jobs had all gone down. There was a problem because there was a lot of data to tear through and there wasn't enough memory for it. I got the database people to give me more memory and the jobs are running fine, but will take some time. It's a good thing I didn't call in sick from this other problem. I was able to get right on it and get things moving. The sooner they get done, the better.

Since I last wrote, we have had cold weather in my area. We actually had snow on Saturday and Sunday. It wasn't so bad that anybody had to shovel the walks, but we did have a couple of inches of snow. This year has been a wet one.

The new scouting job is going to keep me busy. This scoutmaster expects a lot out of his people. It will be something that I spend quite a bit of time with. He actually goes on camps once a month. I have never had that kind of thing happen with the calling previously. Well, hopefully, we'll be able to get some of the dads to go up with him at times.

Not much else going on. Just frustration.


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