Thursday, March 06, 2008


Yesterday evening, my wife and I got called into the Bishops office. He was there, along with the first councilor (Bro. Medieros). There was a bunch of idle chit chat and just plain talking with the two of them. Then we were asked how our Activities calling was doing. My wife is quite tired of it and I could take it or leave it. It really didn't matter that much to me. One problem that we have had is that with both of us being over the Activities, we at times butted heads. Well, it's been a year since we were given that calling, and as promised they are going to release us on Sunday.

Of course, in the Mormon church, it is rare that you ever get to sit idle and do no job, and my wife and I are no exception to this rule. The bishop turned to me first and said that they wanted to call me to be the Assistant Scout Master over the 12 and 13 year olds. Of course, this is a calling that I had until we created our new ward this year, so it isn't anything really new for me. Along with that (and actually before that) I will be called to be the Deacons quorum adviser. Part of the thing is, they need to get all the paperwork in on me to the Scout offices before I can be called back to being the Assistant Scout Master. This shouldn't be too difficult for them. My wife pointed out that this would be good for me because she knew that I kind of missed being with the boys and with what she called "Man Bonding". Chad kind of laughed and corrected it to Male Bonding because Man Bonding 'sounds kinda creepy'. I of course accepted this position and will do what I can with it. I like the current scout master, but, he is strong headed and we may butt heads on occasion. I will have to wait and see what happens with that. I'm pretty certain that I can work with him because I think I pretty well work well with most people.

Now it was my wifes turn. The bishop turned to her and called her to be a Special Needs teacher. We have an autistic boy in our ward as well as a Down Syndrome girl. My wife knows Allie quite well, and now will get to know her better through this Sunday assignment. She will gear her lessons kind of toward the Young Women lessons because of Allie, and as far as Spencer goes, she will sing some songs (because that is what he loves) and then just plan on losing his attention. Mostly, she will have to keep her eye on him as he wanders about. This will also allow for her to go to Relief Society every other week and Sunday School on the alternating week. I think this will be a great calling for my wife, and I am sure that she will shine.

Well, we went home from that relieved because it could've been far worse with some other calling. Mine will be a fairly busy calling because these boys deserve to have somebody looking out for them and helping them along their path. My wifes calling will be a busy calling helping out some of our special children of God, and I believe she will be a great resource to those children.

Anyway, even though I'm a day late, I thought I had better write about the callings because this is something that should be kept in a journal of ones life experiences.


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