Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Time is flying by

Time is getting away from me, it seems. Of course, there really isn't anything to write about here either, so I have not been keeping this up.

Work has continued to be busy, and today was a particularly hectic day, as yesterday was. We were just barely told about fixing some problems with some data from an outside source. This is because they are really slow about fixing what they are sending to us. It seems that one of our partners thinks that when they call us we have a magic button and things will just be OK. We have been hours on the turnaround on fixing most of these items. We can only do so much to massage the data. Some of it needs to be correct for us to do anything else. Well, our partner has gone up the ladder and complained about the data to them. They are coming to us to see what is going on and they are upset at our partner for all their complaining. It doesn't make me want to do things for them, but I really don't have a choice in the matter though. It's just been quite frustrating.

There really isn't too much going on at home either. I call my daughter in Florida on a weekly basis and she seems to be doing pretty well. She has a new job being a receptionist at a massage place. The pay isn't great, but she gets full medical benefits and she is seeing the wisdom in that. She still has her job as a waitress at a local high class restaurant.

That still wasn't about home, was it? My wife and I have been helping out with the Valentines Day dance over at the church (it will actually be Friday though). We are over the processions and have decided to really only do one for those who have worn their silly hats (which it seems people don't like the idea of) and want to get up and parade around. I know I would not be doing it, so I can't blame them for this thought. We also got the DJ for the evening, and will help to decorate. Tonight we got told that we need to come up with a coat-of-arms for our ward for this dance. We have already expressed that we aren't happy with the short notice, but we came up with a design that will have a medieval looking cupid inside of it. Keep it simple. That is my motto.

Also tonight my daughter handed me her broken camera. She dropped it and the lens bent that was protruding from it. Since she dropped it, it won't be covered under the warranty. It will be a minimum of $80 to fix it and going up from there. The thing is, I can get a new camera today (the same one) for $100. So, I really hate all of this.

Other than what I have stated in here, things are going about the same in our house.


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