Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas comes and goes

Quite a bit of time has passed since I wrote in here. I was able to get the other guys car taken care of through insurance with no problems, and there won't be a deductible for me since our car really isn't damaged. My insurance will raise by about $5 a month though, and I am not too happy about that. When one gets into an accident, they raise it enough so you pay for it anyway. What a waste.

Not too much has been going on for all this time that has passed. On Saturday, I took the kids (my wife was a bit sick) to my parents house, and then to my sisters grave. It was the annual decorate her grave with a Christmas tree. It was cold out, but it is something that we have done for my entire life. Karen would be 55 years old at this time. She only lived the three days, and my parents buried her on Christmas Eve. That must've been hard. Anyway, this decoration of the grave has gone on for all of these years. Though the tree is done with homemade decorations, it is done well, and it is a beautiful Christmas tree. There is the pictures and everything else that goes with this time of year, and then we head to my parents home where there is chocolate milk and donuts.

My kids and the others in my family have brought their snow gear. We go over to the park by my parents home and do some snow boarding and whatever else you can use to slide down the hill on. I don't do that much, but on a snow skate, I catch one foot on the snow and end up doing the splits. This hurts like crazy, but I walk back up the hill and do a bit more. This is a good time had by all the cousins, and I enjoy it as well. It wasn't as cold as it seemed when you are out there and actively participating in these snow events.

There has been quite a bit of snow this past week or so. It seems like whenever we turn around, we are shoveling walks. I am grateful that my son has helped me for the most part with the shoveling. It is good to have the snow, and I guess it is helping me to stay fit by having to shovel it all up. Of course, my daughter tells me to put some salt out there because she didn't like falling on her butt when she went out to get in a car with friends for a ride to the church to practice for a program that the Young Women will be doing for the Relief Society.

Mormons don't meet for Christmas day. Usually, their program is done on the Sunday just before Christmas. This past Sunday was no different. But this Sunday was the most different that I have had in church for a long time. I go to Elders quorum and though they give a message about Christ that is fitting for Christmas it is still different. They actually had hot chocolate and donuts for all who wanted some of it during the lesson. The same type of thing was done for the High Priests (minus the hot chocolate) and the Relief Society got a fudge plate. I had never had anything like that before, but the way it looks, the bishop must have told them to do something with some of the extra money we still had. Next is Sunday School. My wife has stayed home because she wasn't feeling well. We had a part of the program that my daughter had gone to practice for the previous Saturday. Then some stories are read that talk about what it may have been like for the Savior to be born in the way he was born. We are informed that this isn't the gospel per se', but just something to think about. Then Larry Lowder sings the song Christmas Shoes (a sad song that my wife absolutely hates in the Christmas season). Sacrament meeting went as expected after all of this. Just those two first meetings were a bit different.

I go to work on Monday morning, but, being Christmas eve, I take off at 10:00 AM. We were able to take off four hours on either Christmas Eve or New Years eve. I come in at 6:00, so 10:00 is just the time to take off. There isn't all that much to do at home, but I go home and take care of a few items. I go shopping with my wife for food to bring into our home so we at least have snacks around for us to munch on during this season. Then that night, we go to my in-laws house for the Christmas party. We have a prime rib dinner and enjoy each others company. Of course, there is some more snow, so after partying, we get home and I get out there with my son and we shovel the walks. I have to shovel the walks on Christmas day as well, as there is another couple of inches of snow in the morning.

My wife and I wrap up the gifts that we have gotten for our children on Christmas Eve. It's mostly clothes, but we do get them some software for the WII. Of course, they are pretty certain they are getting a WII since grandma Wach pushed us until they could open their gifts Christmas Eve. Our sons gift from grandma and grandpa Wach (unbeknownst to them) is a game for the WII. Up until that point we had been able to have our children believe we were having a hard time finding the WII. Even on Friday when I took them to the store, they didn't believe they were getting one because I was honestly able to tell them I had watched to WIIs get sold to two different people.

Since all of this had gone on, we decided to hide the WII operating system. My kids got up on Christmas morning and opened all their gifts. We then told them that Santa had taken lessons from the Easter Bunny and had hidden their final gift. After about ten minutes of looking around, they finally found it. They played a little bit with it before we had to go to my parents house for the Christmas breakfast.

As I mentioned, we went to the Christmas breakfast, and then there is more gift sharing. We then head back home and play some more with the WII. I even enjoy playing some of the games on it. It seems to be a good gift. We pack it all up and go back to the Wach household again. There is just a bit of playing around and eating snacks and then we come back home. There really isn't too much else to say about all of that.

Today is the day after Christmas. I took the day off of work. There isn't too much that needed to be done. It was just nice to have the day off. We did have a coat that my daughter had received that had the security device still on it. I had to go to Sears (in the snow) to get that taken off. I was starting to get the cold that my wife has had, and my throat is a bit raw. It's not too bad, but it certainly isn't good. My wife starts to take down the Christmas decorations as she is claustrophobic (This doesn't mean she is scared of Santa Claus though). My wife makes a wonderful chicken soup that she had gone to pick up the ingredients for earlier in the day. I am very grateful for her thoughtfulness in this.

Well, that's about it for an entire weeks worth of writing.


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