Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Another Christmas Concert and an Accident

Yesterday evening my family went to my parents house for the annual Christmas party. Our kids had decided that they were not going to do a talent, so we didn't have to worry about that at all. My brother Scott had to go to a viewing because Tyler's wife's grandfather had passed away. They did make it to the party anyway. As always, there were slushes and various treats that were eaten up. We then went in for the program which started out with the Nativity done by my oldest brother (Larry) and his grandkids. The talents came along, and then Santa came in. I talked to Santa later about his son (Rick Keys) who is dying of brain stem tumor called a glioblastoma. He doesn't have that much longer to live. He has eight children, and it is hard to see somebody that I grew up with having his life shortened by something like this. They are holding up well though.

Tonight, after dinner, we went to my sons school for a Christmas concert. I had taken our son over to the school earlier, and when I backed out of our driveway tonight, I hit the car across the street from our driveway in the drivers door. It left a nice dent and some scratches on the door. I am ticked off at myself for not seeing it. There's nothing I can do now to change the situation, so I'll just deal with it. I guess my mind still wasn't quite working right because on the way to the concert, I almost ran a four way stop sign. My wife took over on the driving.

The concert went well. It was about 2 1/2 hours long. It was Bingham Highs 71st annual candlelight concert. It went on Monday evening as well, but we didn't go to that one since our son wasn't in it.

When we arrived home, I tried to get a loaf of bread to one of our neighbors, but they weren't answering their door. After doing a little bit of cleaning up, I am tired. It is now time for bed.


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