Saturday, December 01, 2007

Snow Day - Wedding

There hasn't been a lot to write about here for the last couple of days. When we woke up this morning, we found that we had had a nice little snow storm. My wife and I had to get to the Salt Lake Temple by 8:30 for the sealing of Tyler and Shannon which was to take place at 9:00 AM. The snow was pretty bad so we left a little early. We know that the SUV needs new tires and we couldn't take the Mitsubishi because of that missing cylinder thing. We slipped and slid all the way into Salt Lake. At one point, when I tried to stop at a red light, I ended up in the middle of the road so had to go through it. The cop must not have thought it was too bad because I was not pulled over even though he was sitting there.

We barely made it by 9:00 AM. We went directly to the sealing room. It was a beautiful ceremony and the sealer was quite friendly. We were just glad that we had made it there. It was cold outside and we froze our feet while waiting for the picture to be taken. When that was taken care of, we headed out to Bountiful as that was where the Wedding Breakfast would take place. Since we were there a little early, we went and visited with Pam for about an hour. She told us of some of the things that had been going on with Melanie and her prescriptions, as well as trying to take care of things that you must take care of when you become widowed. It isn't a fun thing, that's for sure.

We went to the Wedding Breakfast, and it was pretty good. After that, we came on home. We chose to not go to the reception because it was just too icy outside. I was also hoping that Rod Andre would give us a call so we could take care of my car as far as the changing of spark plugs and such. It cost me $110 to get all the parts that were needed. Rod didn't call, so it still isn't fixed.


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