Thursday, November 01, 2007


Well, yesterday was Halloween. I was kept busy at work and at lunch time they had the annual soup day. The only difference was, instead of having people bring in various soups, they had this one catered by Jasons Deli. The soup was good, but it was only luke warm when I ate it. One of the problems that I saw was that they had come in a bunch of quart containers for over 300 people. At least if the containers would've been bigger, it may have stayed somewhat warm. Anyway, I am not going to complain about a free lunch.

I got home at the regular time, and soon after we had dinner (our sons favorite - chicken and broccoli casserole) I took him to meet up with the band at the school. They met at 6:00 and were planning on loading the buses at 7:00. I stayed around for a bit and grabbed a packet that they were handing out to the students. I made a few copies of the itinerary so that parents who wanted too, could figure out what their kids were supposed to be doing while they are away in California.

As usual, my son did not want a fathers blessing before he left (I have never been able to give him a fathers blessing as per his choice). We did get to say a family prayer before he left (and this included prayers for protection) and we had to leave it at that.

We don't know what time they left, but they did get there safely (I called today around 5:00 PM and talked to him).

Our daughter dressed up as a Hawaiian and went out trick or treating with her friend. My wife and I stayed home and handed out candy to the various children that came around to our house. At one point, we both went out (separately) to see a couple of houses on our street. I watched at one home where they had put up a graveyard in their front yard because they are interesting. The door was left open, the lights on the home were all flickering, and he was standing away from the door waiting for kids to ring the bell or yell trick or treat. He then walked very slowly to the door with a Jason type mask, and black robes. He also very slowly put some candy in each childs basket. Some of the kids were afraid to go up to his house, but those mean parents made their children do so and let them take candy from a stranger.

Down the street (at another graveyard) we had Jason outside. He was dancing to Thriller (by Michael Jackson) when I got there. Of course he had the chainsaw in his hand, and some teenage kids were around the home also doing some dancing. While I was there, the next door neighbor came out (dressed about the same way) and they had a competition to see whose chainsaw was louder.

When my daughter made it home she told me of an experience that she had. She went by the house with the chainsaw (the neighbor) and when they rang the bell, he started up his chainsaw. Melina (the friend my daughter was with) ran leaving my daughter on the porch alone. He opened the door and made a bunch of noise with the chainsaw and about that time Melina came back and put her hand on my daughters shoulder. My daughter screamed, causing Melina to scream and they were screaming back and forth for a bit and then the chainsaw guy held out a bag of Halloween candy and said Happy Halloween. They went across the street from there, and I guess he hadn't had enough fun yet, so he followed them and right behind them started up his chainsaw. The two girls ran (they believe he chased them a bit) and that was the end of that. Anyway, just kind of fun.

While my daughter was out, my wife and I were watching a movie called "Messenger". It was a fairly spooky movie, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was perfect for the evening. We did call our daughter and found that she was at her friends house. The problem was, there was an older guy out (at least he was big) with a hockey mask on and he had something in his hand. He was wandering around. He went to a couple of houses across the street from us, and when he came our way my wife told me I was to answer the door. For some reason, he passed by our house. He went next door and my wife went outside and heard him talking to himself. We didn't know what to make of him. We don't think our neighbor gave him anything because he seemed to be wondering why. He walked down the street, and then came back our way. He made us nervous enough that even though my daughter was across the street, we decided to send my wife over to pick her up and walk home with her. I guess the movie didn't help out with that at all.

There isn't much going on today. Tonight, I got on the computer to try to get some ideas for our Ward Christmas Party (kind of late in the game). I didn't really come up with too much though. I had to switch computers because my wife wanted me to print out a couple of things (the printer is on the other computer). The problem was, that computers internet wasn't working. It took me awhile to figure it out, and it was that a USB extender that we have wasn't working and it is hooked into the modem through the USB cable. That was a bit maddening. I got through it all right though. I got everything back to the way it should be, and left it at that.


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