Monday, October 29, 2007

Kidney Stones again - Sons Birthday

It's been a week since I last posted here. I don't know that I can remember all the things that happened within my little slice of the world in the last week, but I obviously remember some things better than others.

During the week, my son was able to go to Young Men on Tuesday (for once) because he didn't have any kind of competition going on with the Marching Band. He did have a practice on this day though. He is doing well with all of that, but this week he did get a little bit of a break from it all.

Thursday evening is the first time that I can remember to really tell much about my life during the week. I of course had come home from work, and immediately my wife and I started to prepare to go to a concert that our son had. I had started to feel some pressure in my groin area that makes it feel like I constantly have to pee (even after having done so). This pressure is too familiar with me, and I was almost wishing it were some other problem than the one that I suspected. It is something that happens before I'm going to have the pain of kidney stones. I did not want to admit this to my wife, but that was the way it was anyway. I did tell her about it during the concert of our son.

My wife and I had signed up to help with the concert. They put us in charge of watching the side door (where all the kids come in between doing their performances). We weren't to let anybody in during the time that musical numbers were going on. They have been sick and tired of people doing that for years, and this year decided to fix it. While I was holding out some kids (I had a tight hold on the door), I heard somebody say that that mean old man is holding the door. It did bring some respect to the performances and they had most of the audience stay through the whole thing which hardly ever happens. Well, it was a success.

I went to work on Friday (I usually have this one off) so I could take today (Monday) off. I had some problems at work that had to be taken care of, and there were some things that were confusing us. We finally figured out that while production stuff had been moved to test that not all of the work had been done on test that needed to be done. This caused some of what I was testing to have problems.

Of course, I wasn't feeling the best as I was still feeling that pressure. We finally got all of my work stuff taken care of and then I was able to finally have lunch. It was during that time that I felt the first pains come about for at least one kidney stone. I called my wife and told her I would be traveling home, and that I would call her if I found I couldn't make it. As it was, I was able to make it all the way home. Soon after arriving home, the pain (moderate pain) stopped. I just relaxed at home for a bit. I did help out and pick up our son from a practice that he had at school though. The night was fairly peaceful and even the pressure that I had was gone.

Saturday was a pain free as well as a pressure free day for me. We were concerned that some of the stuff would start up while we had errands to run. We had to run into Costco to order a cake for our sons birthday. Both of our kids came with us. We grabbed a couple of items while we were there. We also headed to the Dunford Bakery to order some donuts for our sons birthday. These will be given out on Tuesday to his class mates. We got all of that done, and then didn't do too much for the rest of the day. My wife was hoping to have more done on the cleaning of the house, but doing laundry was enough for me.

Sunday came along, and I needed to go and get Guitar Hero III which came out that day for all of the platforms. I had called Costco on Friday about this, and they said that they had it for the PS2 which is what we needed. I got there early enough to get it (we knew there would be a run on them which is why I chose to shop on Sunday). I found that when I got there, they had all platforms but the PS2. They had it for the Xbox, the PS3 and the WII. Not one was there for the PS2. I talked to a couple of people and they were surprised that they didn't have any. I called Sams club and they said that they had some. I bought the one for the WII system knowing that my kids are getting that for Christmas this year. It was going to be a backup.

I picked up the PS2 game from Sams club and felt lucky to get it. I was starting to feel some of that pressure again. I had a feeling something would happen today, but hoped that by ignoring it nothing would happen. I went to priesthood meeting and during that felt a couple of pangs and was pretty certain I would be in trouble. Sunday school came and while I was telling my wife that the pressure was back I immediately felt the pain once again. She told me I had better get out now rather than making a scene later. I left Sunday School. I sat in the foyer for a short time and then my wife came out. Soon after that we decided to get me home. She went back to ask the kids if they wanted to stay for Sacrament meeting or not. They chose to stay because my daughter would be singing with the Young Women there, and my son because he had priesthood responsibilities. I told my wife that I wouldn't be as good because if I would've been offered that she would've had to come out to the car to find me. Anyway, I am pretty proud of our children. They make the right decisions despite the weaknesses of me as their parent.

While we were at home, the pain came on really strong. We headed to the hospital, but by the time we got there the pain was completely gone. This has been a strange one. I don't know what to do about it. We went back home and decided that if the pain got to go too long that we would come back. We put on a movie and I got some water to drink. Over about three hours, I drank all of 3 quarts of water. The pain came on a few times and at times had me writhing around the floor. There were times that I was ready to go in and get that morphine. I kept from doing that though.

After around 7:00 that evening, the pain was gone. I don't know if I passed it or not. I started to strain my urine but haven't seen anything of those suckers. I may have started to strain too late.

This morning came, and I had no more pain. That was a welcome relief. We went to Costco and returned the WII game that I had picked up and then started to shop for our sons birthday dinner that we had tonight. Tomorrow is his birthday but he has band practice that night so we are doing it a night early. We also went to Walmart to get a few more things. I had dusted and got rooms vacuumed so that we would be ready for the party to begin. My wife did all of the preparing of the food.

Six-thirty came along soon enough and everybody we had invited to come over did. Things went really well. We told people that we really didn't know what our son wanted and that money would be appreciated. That's pretty much what he got from everybody and I think he was grateful for that. We gave him the Guitar Hero III and it was a hit. Zach, and our two kids and Craig Goff (our sons friend from our old neighborhood) played for most of the rest of the evening with that. We all watched. Everybody left, and then it was just our two kids and Craig who played (and are still playing at 11:00 PM) the game for the rest of the evening.

Well, it's time to go to bed.


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