Thursday, November 22, 2007


Most of the week has passed now. I thought I had better right a little bit about some of the things going on. My work week has been busy and interesting. There have been a few problems that I have been fixing as we move along. There are still only a couple of issues and that is a good thing.

Of course, my sister-in-law and her partner have been in Alabama taking care of getting Melanie and bringing her home after the death of her husband. They say that they had to leave her alone a few times to give both them and her a break from one another. Mostly, things went pretty well. There was a small problem on the plane where a lady asked innocently how things were going and isn't it great to go home for Thanksgiving. The reason that was a mistake was that Melanie told her life story to her and all the problems that were going on. At least she didn't escalate and that was a good thing. The lady did say that she would pray for Pam and Anne as they were getting off the plane.

Pam was a little bit ticked off that there was nobody there at the airport to meet them. Ben was supposed to be there but decided at the last minute that he needed to work. It was only Kiki who showed up to pick up the three of them. I called and told Pam I would come on out, and she broke down and was crying because they expected some relief. She wouldn't accept that I could be there in 15 minutes and just told me to stay home. That is what I did. They got to my in-laws house soon thereafter and there were no further instances of problems.

Of course most of Wednesday evening my wife and I (mostly my wife) were preparing for the Thanksgiving dinner. There was the cleaning up of the house and taking care of little odds and ends all over the place. We also needed to stay up until midnight when we would start the brining of the Turkey with a recipe that my wife had picked up from one of the neighbors. This was supposed to brine for 6 hours, but we left it for about 9.5 hours.

We had decided to serve the Thanksgiving dinner around 2:00 to 2:30. The turkey was done at 1:30 (a little earlier than we expected) and we put it back in the oven to keep it warm. We don't know if that was the reason that it was drier than we had expected, but suspect that that was the reason. Pam and Anne came over at 1:00 to help us out with some of the last minute preparations of the dinner. They also brought over some sugar-free pies because of Pam's diabetes. We were grateful for the extra help because we were getting quite tired from having to do absolutely everything on this dinner.

Everybody else came to our house at around 2:00. Nobody else was early with the exception of what I have written. We were running around a bit, and welcomed all of them to our house. I talked with Melanie a little bit, and she was doing quite well. She did want to see pictures of my family so she could figure out who the two children looked more like.

The dinner went well, but my wife was a bit upset when her sister said that the honey-glazed ham was better than the turkey. People stayed and there was a lot of visiting. Melanie stayed on an even keel during this whole time.

My father-in-laws van needed to have water added to it so he could get home. He added the water and then took a bucket with him so they could get home and put more water in if needed.

Pam and Anne stayed a bit later and we rented "Meet the Robinsons" and watched it. That took up our Thanksgiving Day. I was thankful that it went so well and that we did not have any problems with Melanie (which was our biggest concern).


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